An Active Weekends Essentials
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SootheYourSoreSpots #CollectiveBias To buy any of these products just click on the item in the photo above, super easy! My wife and I moved from Minnesota down to Florida about two years ago. The reasoning behind this was to live an active lifestyle all year-long. In Minnesota, we were only active outside about 5 months out of the year. Now we work out hard on the beach, love kayaking and being fit every single day. This really leaves are muscles in pain and in need of BENGAY® Ultra Strength Cream. We also make…
Detox Your Whole Body
We talk about doing cleanses and detoxing but forget about what we put on our skin. Detox your whole body with natural products that work to get rid of toxins so your body can operate at its optimum state. Being over 50 we have to watch what we put on our skin, what we ingest and how to rid our bodies of bad things that have entered it. I found a great place to buy products that are not chemically-laden beauty products. Also, Detox Teas if I am not making them myself I opt to have them in my pantry. With our lives as busy as they can be it is…
Citrus Detox Drink
You will love this Citrus Detox Drink made with lemons, oranges, and grapefruit to help rid your body of toxins by flushing your system. Drinking more water is essential for weight loss! For some, drinking plain water is too hard to get in at least 8 – 10 glasses a day. Drinking water helps relieve you of bloat, helps flush your system, boost energy, reduce inflammation and promote weight loss. lemons -are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat-free food which punches a massive amount of flavor. Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so…
How To Fight Anxiety Without Pharmaceuticals
How To Fight Anxiety Without Pharmaceuticals Although many people with anxiety often feel isolated and alone, anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders there is. While you might feel like you’re the only one going through these things, so many people battle anxious thoughts that don’t seem to go away.
Fat to Fit – Secrets to getting fit and feeling great
Fat to Fit – Secrets to getting fit and feeling great! Most of us have been there, that pair of jeans has mysteriously shrunk or you find that your favorite outfit is a bit tight nowadays In the modern world it is all too easy to eat a little too well and not exercise as much as we should. Long days at work followed by a tasty takeaway. Sitting down all day at a computer screen and having a lazy weekend catching up on box sets can all add up. If you feel that you have become unfit, don’t despair!