16 Detox Drinks To Lose Weight
You must try these 16 Detox drinks to lose weight that will help you flush fat and cleanse your system. Approved by Jillian Michael’s and Dr. Oz. These drinks absolutely will conquer your weight loss goals. Boost your metabolism and increase your energy.
Drinking water is the most important component when it comes to increasing your energy and losing excess weight. Flushing your system and making you regular is key. These 5 Detox drinks to lose weight will be your key to a successful healthy journey. Don’t wait until next year to start goal setting. Start today.
16 Detox Drinks To Lose Weight
1. Dr. Oz Fat Flush Drink
How to make the Dr. Oz Fat Flush Drink to detox and cleanse your body. You’ll flush toxins feel remarkable and actually lose weight. Dr. Oz approved to boost your energy with amazing results. Drinking more water helps you feel full and hydrates your system. Cucumber is mostly water making you feel full which helps with bloating. The tangerine will increase your sensitivity to insulin. Stabilizes blood sugar and stimulates genes to help you burn fat.
2. Lemon Cayenne Ginger Detox Water
This drink will flush your system like no other! Why? Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat-free food which punches a massive amount of flavor. Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin, which inhibits hunger and fat storage. Ginger helps in digestion and Excess Gas. You don’t want to keep that gas inside of you because what happens, bloating!
3. Flat Bell Cucumber Spa Water
How to relieve bloating with Flat Belly Cucumber and Ginger Spa Water. Drink all day long for amazing hydration benefits your body craves. Benefits like beautiful skin, flatter belly and relieves constipation.
4. Infused Detox Drink
A refreshing infused detox water to cleanse your system, nourish your metabolism and banish the bloat. No more feeling of sluggishness with this refreshing drink.
5. Lemon Mint Ginger Water
Start your day off with this Lemon Mint Ginger Water For Weight Loss and a flat tummy. Relieve bloat and unwanted waste first thing in the morning to jump-start your day.
Detox Drinks to Lose Weight
6. Jillian Michael’s Detox Drink
You need to try the 7 Day Jillian Michael’s Detox Drink to relieve bloating and absolutely de-bloat your belly. This drink has amazing effects on your digestion tract and will cleanse your system for amazing results that will give you more energy!
7. Skinny Spa Detox Water
Reward yourself with this Skinny Spa Detox Water. Infused ingredients to hydrate you and give you energy. Best of all this detox drink makes you feel full which helps with overeating in between meals. You will love the results!
8. Flat Belly Raspberry Lemon Detox Water
Flat Belly Raspberry Lemon Detox Water to help you with belly bloat! Drink this all day to help flush those toxins from your kidneys, liver, and colon.
9. Immune Boosting Detox Water

Weight Loss Plateau? Try this Immune Boosting Detox Water that will help flush your system of unwanted toxins. Reduce belly bloat and hydrate you.
10. Apple Cinnamon Metabolism Detox Water
You’re NEED to try this Apple Cinnamon Metabolism Detox Water to jump-start your system into weight loss mode. Speed up your metabolism and burn more calories which in turn make you feel amazingly remarkable. There is no magic pill for weight loss, just hard work and putting the right foods into your system like this drink!
11. Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing
You’re going to love this Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing and to help banish your belly bloat. Drink first thing in the morning and then again at lunch time. Kick start your metabolism and jump start your weight loss goals.
12. Skinny Strawberry Mint Detox Water
You will absolutely love this Skinny Strawberry Mint Detox Water. This Drink actually will Control Your Blood Sugar Levels But It Also is filled with Loads Of Vitamins And Antioxidants. This drink will help flush toxins from your system right away. You’ll gain more energy while not compromising on your health!
13. Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet
The Lemonade Diet, aka Master Cleanse, is a liquid-only diet drinking three things: a lemonade-like beverage, salt-water drink, and herbal laxative tea. What will happen after the ten days you drink this? You will flush out toxins.
14. Lemon Turmeric Detox Water
You need to try this Lemon Turmeric Detox Water. Drink this all day to flush out unwanted toxins from your liver. Adding beneficial foods into your water is a great way to help you drink more water. Lemon and Turmeric are two beneficial ingredients to add to your water.
15. Coconut Water, Lemon and Green Tea
Adding beneficial ingredients into your water can help you stay hydrated and can add back important minerals into your system. This is a great drink after a workout too add back in important electrolytes like Potassium and Magnesium.
16. Morning Lemon Detox Water
Drinking a warm glass of Lemon Water first thing in the am after good teeth brushing will flush your empty system quickly of toxins. This warm Lemon Detox Water will hydrate you right away and the combination of warm and the lemon will help get you into the bathroom getting rid of some stuff. Meaning if you are constipated this drink will help naturally. The best part is Lemon Water cleanses the liver.
Want to check out all of our Detox Drinks?
We hope you enjoy all of our Detox drinks to lose weight on your journey for a better you! Try them and figure out which ones you like best!

Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
This is a really great roundup. I need to get back on track next year.
These are great drink ideas! I’m always looking for more ways to incorporate healthy drinks in my day
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see these! Great drink ideas!
Debbie Denny
Love these ideas. Great and healthy drinks.
I drink a ton of water, but it is usually just plain. I;ll have to try some of these!
debthompson (@debthompson)
These are great ideas. I need to make up some detox water.
Wow I had no idea about any of these Drinks. The apple Cinnamon one is really looking good to me, I may have to give it a try!
Catherine S
This is a great list. I need to try one of these after being on vacation for two weeks. I ate a lot of junk food over the holiday.
I’ve been thinking of doing a detox drink, but none of them look so good. Now I’m thinking they look great!
What a great roundup. There are a few on here I have yet to try. Thank you!
I haven’t tried a detox drink yet, but I’m thinking the lemon cayenne one would be good. I’ve seen that on a few sites.
Tiffany (A Moms Take)
I’m wanting to try this. I’ve never tried a detox, but will.
I love detox water! Thanks for the recipe I definitely want to drink more detox water!
Ann B (@AnnBac9)
Thanks for the great roundup. I really want to try a few detox drinks. I have never tried any and I know some people have great success with them.
Shannon Gosney
I’ve never really drank detox drinks, but this sounds like a great idea for someone trying to lose weight. Thanks for sharing.