Skinny Bruschetta
Skinny Bruschetta I admit it, I eat things called “Skinny” Foods. My wife named this blog Skinny Over 40 because she wants everyone to get the low down, skinny on eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. We are big Marinara eaters, we make a good Low Sodium Marinara Sauce that I will include at the end of this recipe.
Leftover Corn Beef Egg Scramble
Leftover Corn Beef Egg Scramble I love a good Corn Beef sandwich but usually my wife and I buy way more than we can eat. What to do with leftovers, right? Leftovers take over our fridge in a bad way. I love getting creative with leftovers and spices. I am a spice guru I must add. You will see a lot of spices in my recipes because we try to keep as much of the fat out as possible. In comes the Egg Scramble.
Low Sodium Marinara Sauce paired with Mussels and Pasta
Low Sodium Marinara Sauce w/ Mussels One of our favorite dishes is Mussels with Low Sodium Marinara Sauce. We like using Low Sodium Marinara because the mussels are so darn healthy! Why do we love mussels? The high amount of protein is hefty! They have a whopping 20 grams of protein in only 3 ounces. Plus the benefits of mussels are a good reason for you to start adding them into your diet.
Green Tea Benefits and Green Tea Sangria
Green Tea Benefits and Green Tea Sangria Happy New Year! We celebrated the New Year at the beach with Green Tea Sangria. What a beautiful day we had. We started it off at the Rose Marina sitting outside watching the boats head out for a day on the water and the Pelicans waiting for some scraps.
Fruit Salsa with Chickpeas
Fruit Salsa with Chickpeas In my house we are addicted to salsa. Hotter the better actually. We have been eating a lot of Fruit Salsa living on Marco Island we have papayas and mango’s and kiwis all fresh at the Farmers Market. We pick up fresh Cilantro and fresh jalapeños too. Our Farmers Market is a weekly stop for us on Wednesdays. I love seeing all the fresh produce and talking with the vendors. I picked up lemons and avocados, from a local vendor don’t they look beautiful? I always leave with a few bags of fresh vegetables and fruit, what better way to get fresh healthy food.