Instant Booty Lift-Get a Bigger Rounder Butt
Want an Instant Booty Lift? Tired of the same old squats, looking for variation? Try this Plie on your tip toes using a rope that is weighted down for an instant booty lift. Try getting in at least two leg days a week using a lot of variation. Simply weigh down the weight stack, lean back, get into a wide stance, get up on your tip toes and squat down, do 25 reps and two sets for a tighter rounder butt.
A Mans Date Night Essentials
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeHealthyForEveryPartofLife #CollectiveBias Date night for my wife and I becomes a day full of adventure. My days off are Thursday’s and Friday’s so my wife usually takes half days and then works half days on the weekends. We like to be outside and active.
Box Step Ups to Lift Your Booty
Box Step Ups, a good start to your leg routine. #boxstepups #exercise #southwestflorida #marcoisland #determined #womenwholift #workit #fitfluential #fitfluentialambassador #fitnessambassador Great way to start a leg workout! A video posted by April Decheine (@skinnyover40) on Oct 24, 2015 at 9:24am PDT This workout is great for your booty and your lungs. Stepping up one step and pulling that knee up to your chest 20 times is a great move to add into your workouts a few times a week. Here are some of the benefits of doing this move. Cardio – When I was in high school step aerobics came out, gliding up just one step over and over really…
DIY Pennzoil Platinum full synthetic motor oil change
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DIYOilChange #CollectiveBias I love my vehicle and try to do most things to keep it humming happily myself. I take care of the inside and the outside and the motor to have this car for many years. When we lived in Minnesota taking care of our vehicles was a little bit more tough then they are now living in Florida. But we still need to check things like wiper blades because we get rain at the drop of a hat. Here are some tips for taking care of your car.
Barber Foods Cordon Bleu with Creamy Broccoli Salad
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SimplySpecialMeals #CollectiveBias Moving to the Island last year has made my life extremely active. My wife and I have very little time in the kitchen and love to add some packaged meals to our busy week night dinners. We also like to have impromptu dinner parties. Barber Foods Chicken Cordon Bleu is the perfect meal for entertaining and a busy lifestyle.