Skinny Recipes

What Women Can Do To Stay Healthy

Getting into good habits is the best way to prolong your life, avoid diseases, and live an overall healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, however, the chaos of a typical woman’s life has put health at the back of everyone’s mind. Fortunately, making these simple changes can help you stay healthy. 

Get Moving

You probably expected to see something about gynecological exams or abortion pill reversal as the first talking point. While that kind of women’s health is important, it is also necessary that you understand that approximately 25 percent of women in America die from heart disease. The good news is that exercise can help your heart stay strong and healthy. It’s also great for bone and mental health. 

To stay as healthy as possible, you should aim for about 30 minutes of exercise, four days per week. The best for avoiding heart disease is cardio. This can include swimming, dancing, jogging, or walking. 

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your lifestyle is based on what you eat. So beyond keeping you trim, you should eat a balanced diet because it can improve your overall health. Good foods can provide the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins you need to live well. 

The key to starting eating healthy is to avoid unhealthy foods. You should avoid processed and packaged foods filled with calories, fat, salt, and sugar. Instead, strive to eat plenty of low-fat dairy products, seeds, nuts, lean meats, fresh fish, leafy greens, beans, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Take Women’s Vitamins

While you want to get as many vitamins and minerals out of your food, you should also consider taking a women’s vitamin. These can supplement what you take in through food with the nutrients you need to sustain your female body. 

Plan for Aging

While you can’t avoid getting older, you don’t have to deal with the aches and pains that most people complain about. In fact, a big part of women’s health is setting yourself up for healthy aging. Doing things with your future in mind will help you feel better when you start getting older. This means taking good care of yourself, avoiding silly injuries, and planning for your retirement, so you’re less stressed as you age. 

Take Care of Your Sexual Health

Women are always going to need to think about their sexual health. This can range from when they are young and wish to prevent unplanned pregnancies to when they would like to boost their libido. Often taking care of your sexual health is as simple as getting routine pelvic exams, pap smears, and STD screenings, consulting with your doctor about birth control, and taking steps to prevent STDs. 

Plan Your Pregnancies

Lastly, the best way for you to stay healthy is to plan out all of your pregnancies. After all, you can take steps while still getting pregnant to help you and your babies stay healthy. This means making some changes to your lifestyle to take care of yourself. Specifically, you should avoid drinking and smoking when trying to get pregnant. 

Women need to take special measures to ensure they stay healthy. You can ensure that you will be around for a long, healthy, and happy life by following these tips. 

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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