Skinny Recipes

Six Surprising Ways To Make The Best Coffee Of Your Life

Photo by Lood Goosen from Pexels

Do you want to make the best cup of coffee at home? Yes? Then open yourself to accepting new ideas. Sure, coffee is just water and caffeine. But if these two don’t complement each other, you will end up tasting a coffee that is inedible. If you want to make a delicious cup of coffee at home, you need to work a little. It is not a challenging task. Still, it does need proper equipment, the best coffee, and following some tips. Are you ready to make the best coffee of your life? Let us check out below for tips that will help you with this. 

Use two coffee pods for a strong cup

Love drinking pods coffee? But finding it a bit weak in comparison to what you get at a café? It happens because the barista uses 11g of caffeine to make one cup of espresso. A Nespresso pod has 5.5g of caffeine in it. That is the perfect measurement for most people. Yet, if you like your coffee a bit strong, then use two coffee pods to make one cup of coffee. Buy a Nespresso pod online and start brewing coffee at home with ease.

Use filtered water

As we said above, coffee is water and caffeine. If one of these two ingredients is not the best, the coffee will taste stale. Thus, make sure that you always use bottled or filtered water. Regular tap water cannot extract the caffeine from the beans well. Thus, making a weak and weird-tasting coffee.

Use organic whole beans

If you are using beans to brew coffee, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Check whether the beans are Robusta or Arabica before buying. The best coffee beans use Arabica beans. Some brands use 95% Arabica beans with 5% of Robusta beans. So, make sure you read the description before purchasing the beans.
  • Also, get organic beans. If you think that organic beans are expensive, think again. If you calculate their per cup price, it will be similar to what you pay for cheaper brands. Organic beans are better, healthier, and safer for you.
  • Always buy whole beans instead of ground coffee. If you get ground coffee, it will lose its aroma & flavor quickly. With whole beans, you can grind them according to use to keep the flavor intact. Store the beans properly in an air-tight container. It helps to keep them fresh.

Use whole-milk

Dairy doesn’t have a great reputation these days. Yet, the perfect latte or cappuccino has whole-fat milk in it. Low-fat or vegan milk latte or mocha or flat white doesn’t taste perfect.

If you are not vegan or lactose-intolerant, go with whole-fat milk for your coffee. To make a latte at home, brew espresso using coffee pods or French Press. Then, froth your milk and add it to the espresso. The most incredible latte at home within seconds is ready.

Use natural herbs to enhance the taste of coffee

Another surprising way to make the best coffee is ever is to use natural herbs in it. Even if you love bitter espresso, try adding a pinch of cinnamon to it during the brewing time. It will enhance the taste of your coffee, and it is great for your health too. Other herbs or spices you can try are lavender flowers, cardamom, star anise, hazelnut, and vanilla essence.

Measure everything

The great thing about coffee pods is that you always use the same quantity of coffee. That helps with the consistency. For other brewing methods, the tip is to use a measuring spoon or scale. If you have the latter, measure the coffee, water, and milk every day to get the same consistency of coffee. Otherwise, use the same spoon to measure out the correct quantity of coffee for your cup.

My last tip for you is to keep experimenting. Even if you find a brand of coffee that you love or a perfect brewing method, never stop. Keep trying more things to expand your pallet. You can still have the perfect Nespresso pod coffee in the morning. At the same time, try something new at mid-day. Enjoy the beautiful range that coffee can provide and keep sipping!

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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