Skinny Recipes

7 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mood When You’re Feeling Down

Life has a way of pushing you and making you feel down. 

There is no shortage of glum moments. It could be work, school life, or your social life taking a toll on you. 

Regardless of who you are or where you are in life, we all find ourselves in the dumps from time to time. It could be a sign of stress, anxiety, depression, or maybe you’re just having a rough day. 

Whenever you’re feeling down, take advantage of these seven tips to uplift your mood:

  1. Eat Something Healthy

Healthy food can boost your mood since it balances your blood sugar levels. Eat crunchy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits as they can help you cope with the negative emotion.

If you have a favorite go-to dish, make it in your kitchen and prolong the process. Cooking what you love can also help improve your mood. Experiment with the recipe and see what you can come up with.

Always try to prepare something healthy as junk food does more harm than good.

  1. Write

Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your thoughts. 

If you didn’t know, writing helps fight stress and anxiety by acting as a channel for releasing negative feelings. The activity lets you offload your thoughts so you can make sense of them.

You should probably keep a journal to guide you to get to the bottom of the things that bother you. It lets you express things that you may not be able to say out loud. 

Ultimately writing teaches you how to release pent-up emotions in a healthy way. 

While writing is a brilliant idea, many people are discouraged by the idea of someone reading their notes without permission. 

The most secure way we can suggest is online note-taking platforms like Evernote since you can secure their access with an email address and password.

  1. Take a Bath

A long shower or bath can help ease tension and boost your moods. Showering with warm water relieves stress and calms your nerves. 

Let the water run down your body from head to toe. It’s a soothing feeling, perfect for when you feel overwhelmed.

If you prefer to lie submerged inside a bathtub, then do just that. Relax and allow your mind to drift while you soak in soapy water.

Bath salts and scented candles can also help you boost your mood and energy because essential oils and bath salts have stress-relieving properties.

  1. Talk to Someone

When you are feeling low, consider talking to someone. It’s the best way of getting things off your chest.

Share your concerns with someone who understands you best, either a friend or family member. Who knows? Perhaps they may have an idea you couldn’t think of, or maybe they’ll just listen, which is good too.

  1. Music Therapy

Music always works for most people. It’s one of those few things that can cut through your tough exterior and reach you. 

Listening to music also tends to bring back fond memories, which can be great at dispelling a gloomy mood.

  1. Try Something Else?

Okay. Your concerns, whatever they are, aren’t likely to go away with the snap of a finger. Urgent or not, a moment’s peace is key to springing back up fresh and ready to go.

So, instead of wallowing, try out something that can take away the edge of things and help you relax for a bit. 

For instance, a couple of good puffs of weed should be able to help you chill or stimulate you to start working on solutions to your problems. Just bear in mind that these effects depend on the species of cannabis.

If you just want to calm down your nerves, maybe even sleep, look into cannabis indica. Cannabis sativa is more about stimulation, so you should probably understand the differences between indica and sativa before taking this route.

  1. Get Spontaneous

Some of the greatest moments we experience in life happen without a plan. Throw out the crazy schedule and do something you have not planned to do. Routines can be tiring and give you a real burnout.

You can take a trip to the museum, take a random bus ride or start gardening. Think of something you want to do right away and get to it. Breaking boring routines can be pretty rejuvenating.

Final Thoughts

The worst part is, when you’re feeling out of sorts, you may begin to think you’re not in control. This is something that destroys your resolve.

Feeling low does not have to make you feel miserable. There’s always something that can help get you back up and ready to face the day.

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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