Fitness After 40 5 Tips for Women
Optimising Fitness After 40: 5 Tips for Women Hormonal changes that hit women over the age of 40 often cause significant weight gain and muscle loss. In addition to developing a tendency for gaining weight, various other physiological changes also make it difficult for them to shed fat, unfortunately. However, that doesn’t mean women can’t stay fit after forty by any means. All it means is that they need to adapt to their changing body and find out ways to optimize their fitness regime and that’s exactly what we are going to discuss next. Fitness after 40 Stay Flexible Our bodies tend to stiffen as we age and the more…
Baetea 14 Day Detox Tea
You must try baetea 14 day detox for your weight loss needs. Get healthier glowing skin, cleanse your system and actually feel more energized during this very busy time of the year. You will see remarkable and feel more confident. (Affiliate Link) We found baetea on Amazon and have found it really useful with the dreaded belly bloat from overindulging this holiday season. Dave and I have been a little obsessed with being active and living a healthy and free lifestyle. This baetea has a delicious blend of traditional organic herbs that aid in digestion and eliminates toxins released from fat cells during weight loss. This tea is to help…
Workouts To Do While You Watch Holiday Movies
4 Workouts To Do While You Watch Holiday Movies – The holidays are a time for treats, hearty meals, and relaxation. Most of us sneak a few candies here and there, attend a few parties, drink some wine and cook big, rich dinners. We also like to lounge about the house with family members, and potentially stay up a little later watching TV or movies. Add it all up and it’s the coziest time of the year – but also far and away the easiest one during which to pack on a few extra pounds! One way to work around this tricky issue is to find exercises you can do while…
Detox Water Benefits (Belly Bloat) (Clear Skin)
You’re going to love the amazing results you get when you drink infused detox water filled with beneficial ingredients that will help you cleanse your system and relieve you of belly bloat. You will see and feel the difference. Detox Water Benefits = MANY. We LOVE infused detox water! Detox water benefits are worth understanding. Each ingredient does something good for your body. Drink this detox dring for at least three days. Detox Water Benefits (Affiliate) Strawberries – Are a good source of manganese and potassium. (De-Bloat) Just one serving — about eight strawberries — provides more vitamin C than an orange. Limes – Aid in digestion helps with constipation, has insoluble fiber which…
What to Eat Before a Workout
You really need to know and understand What to eat before a workout. It is important to fuel your body for a successful workout. Choose the correct foods and you will absolutely be more energized for a tough routine plus the ability to challenge yourself. Working out doing high-intensity training requires healthy snacks before and after my workout. Starting the day off right is important too. If it is an early morning workout I make my shake and eat a healthy breakfast accompanied by a protein drink. This consists of greek yogurt, greens, and almond milk. Snacks that offer the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to satisfy hunger, fuel workouts, and aid…