Skinny Recipes

How to maintain an awesome looking beard

How to maintain an awesome looking beard

An awesome-looking beard will not happen by accident. As facial hair growth goes through its different growing stages, your beard will take time to develop. Once you get the desired beard, your job doesn’t stop here. Growing a beard might be more comfortable for some men because of their excellent quality of genes and increased hormones required for facial growth. But maintaining a beard is a tough job to do. Those who ignore caring about their beards have to struggle a lot to get back that facial hair again. True breadmen know how important it is to properly care for their beards and give attention to its details. Proper beard grooming and maintenance is essential for developing the kind of beard you can be proud of. 

Caring for a beard not only means caring for your facial hair but also to look after your overall health. Your healthy lifestyle also plays an essential role in increasing the quality of your facial hair. Let us discuss some beard care maintenance tips that will improve the overall appearance of your beard.

  • Wash your beard-

The foremost step included in a beard care routine is always to keep your beard clean. Your beard will get dust, dirt, debris, and some food particles also and to avoid these things, all you can do is wash out your beard properly. To wash your beard, you need to use a beard-specific shampoo that will keep your facial hair soft and manageable, prevent beard itch and dryness, and keep it fresh. However, it is always best to use a beard shampoo made from organic products. Wash your beard with an organic beard shampoo a few times in a week as a regular wash can make your beard dry and less manageable. After washing, apply some beard conditioner to make your facial hair soft. 


  • Apply some beard oil-

Many of you might think it is not necessary to use beard oil for your facial hair. However, you need to understand that beard oils create a natural balance in your beard hydration level. It moistens the facial hair and the skin beneath it to soften and tame your beard to help you easily style the beard. The moistening property of beard oil can retain the natural oils from your facial hair that gets stripped off when you wash the beard. Also, when your beard is dry, it is more prone to dandruff. As beard oil contains essentials and carrier oils, they nourish your facial hair and skin. 

  • Use a beard balm-

Maybe beard balm is not something which you have heard so often in respect to beard care. But beard balm is a quality product and the perfect combination of beard oil with some beard wax. It is another tool that you can use while caring for your beard. Beard balm is thicker than beard oil but shares similar benefits. While you use a beard, oil is generally during the initial stages of your beard growing process. The beard balm’s role starts when you have developed a thick beard. A beard balm helps the most when you have a thicker beard to keep the stray whiskers in place. The essential ingredient in a beard balm is beeswax, which holds the stray hairs in place. And the second most important ingredient is butter, whether it is a shea or cocoa butter. Because the butter helps the balm get evenly spread on a beard and acts as a hydration source. 

  • Comb your beard-

When you want your beard to look nicely groomed, you need to invest in a good quality beard comb. Beard combs are an essential part of your beard maintenance routine as it provides you several benefits. Beard combs help you style your facial hair the way you want; they keep your beard tangled and manageable; it also helps your hair grow in the right direction and eliminate ingrown hairs. Also, a beard comb and a brush helps distribute the beard oil into your facial hair evenly. But it is essential to use a wooden comb instead of a plastic comb, as a plastic comb lets your facial hair get broken easily. It is also important to remember that you cannot use a hair comb for your beard. The beard requires a wood comb with complete teeth to handle any length and thickness of facial hair.


  • Keep trimming your beard whenever needed-

Trimming is a crucial part of caring for your beard as it allows the beard to grow in the desired direction and remove the stray hairs. Trimming will also prevent the chances of getting beard dandruff and itchiness, dirt, and debris as long and untrimmed beard is more prone to getting these things. But you need to understand when and how much you should trim, and it will depend on the quantity and density of your beard. Use a quality trimmer and beard scissors to cut your facial hair. 

  • Stick to a healthy diet-

To grow and maintain a healthy beard depends on using beard specific products and depends on how healthy a lifestyle you are living. The growth and nature of your facial hair depend on your genes and hormones. Those with an increased number of testosterone and DHT hormones will have a significant expansion of their facial hair, while on the other hand, the decreased number of these hormones results in slow beard growth. Following a healthy diet that includes all the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, will increase the hormone levels essential for your facial hair’s proper growth. 



Grooming the beard in the right way will surely make your beard stay healthy. It is also essential to keep your beard neat and clean to not get caught in any dirt or debris. All the tips mentioned above help maintain your neat beard. You should follow a beard care routine to ensure that your beard does not get dull or coarse. For a perfect way, start with washing your beard but not so often and then go through the other steps. Remember to trim your beard from time to time to train the facial hair to grow in a single direction. 

Author Bio:

Monica is a passionate blogger who wants to throw some light on men’s grooming techniques and share her thoughts and experience through her blogs.

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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