Fermented Foods for Gut Health (Weight Loss)
If you are struggling with a bloated belly, constipation or are irregular you need fermented foods for gut health and weight loss.
Fermented foods are rich in live bacteria that replenish the microbiome, helping it maintain the right proportion of friendly bacteria for optimal health and weight loss. We think fermented foods are key to weight loss and being healthy. 80 percent of your immune system is in your microbiome, your body’s bacteria, which helps you digest your food, and best of all help with weight loss.
RELATED: Digestion problems? Do you suffer from bloating? Constipation? Not sure how much or what to eat to help? Probiotics will do the trick. This is the simplest recipe ever for a natural probiotic. All you need is a little salt and some water.
Fermented Foods For a Healthy Gut
- Traditional fermented foods help balance the production of stomach acid.
- Probiotics work by adhering to your intestinal lining—which is sloughed off every day.
- Aid digestion
- Support immune function
- Increase B vitamins (even Vitamin B12)
- Remove toxins and heavy metals from cell tissue
- Fights harmful Bacteria
All of these benefits fight inflammation in the body which can cause you to have weight gain or hold onto more stubbornly.
RELATED: You must try EASY Probiotic Fermented Jalapenos if you are looking for better gut health. If you love jalapenos, skip the salty version and eat healthy fermented probiotics.
When you hit your local grocery store be sure to pick up all the items on our list. Look at the label and look for “Fermented” Some of our favorites:
- Raw Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and raw pickles
- Kefirs and Kombucha are now located around the produce area in most stores.
If you have a favorite fermented recipe let us know in the comments below and good luck to better gut health.