An Over 50’s Guide To Gut Health
As you might already know, as we age, our bodies require a little extra attention to remain at their peaks and to operate effectively. Whether this is related to exercise, mental agility, and gut health, the over 50 crowds should be a little more pedantic about keeping healthy, and your bodies will undoubtedly thank you. You may already know when you forgo healthy foods and replace them with fast foods, processed sugars, and alcohol, your body essentially makes life a little more challenging. Operations such as bowel movements are a bit more complicated, your energy levels are lower, and you feel a little lackluster overall. In this article, we’ll take…
An Over 50’s Guide To Oral Health
When it comes to oral health, the process becomes a little more tedious and requires a few more steps when you reach your fifties. Whether you’re healthy or following a teeth-friendly diet, there is an increased risk for developing a myriad of teeth and gum problems simply down to being of an advanced, or in your old age. All of that in mind, it is a good idea to make sure that you are as vigilant and pedantic as possible when it comes to oral hygiene and getting into a great routine. That means investing in a great toothbrush and always remembering to floss and give your dentist a visit…
Exercise and Ageing: 5 Tips for Staying Fit in your 70s
Ageing is an inevitable part of life, despite all the vitamins and supplements taken to slow down the process. But staying fit, even in your 70s is an important step to support your mental and physical health. The belief that “I’m going to age anyway, I don’t need to exercise” is an unhealthy approach. Bones and muscles become weaker in your 70s but with a workout routine, this can be slowed down. Exercising while you age has been linked to reducing blood pressure and cardiovascular problems including heart attacks and stroke. A report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine discovered that exercise can help ease any condition. However,…
How Bariatric Surgery Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes
Every year millions of people die from complications of diabetes. It is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the country. Bariatric surgery, such as inserting a gastric band, has proven effective in the improvement or remission of the disease. Diabetes Types There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, where the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin; and type 2 diabetes, where the body still has insulin but doesn’t use it as it should. In both cases, the flow of insulin is disrupted by the disease and blood sugar increases. Medication, diet and exercise can help treat moderate diabetes cases. Insulin injections are usually required for more…
What Do I Need in a Headlamp?
A headlamp may be one of the most important pieces of equipment you own, depending on the activity in which you are engaging. Headlamps are not all the same, and you need specific features based on your activity. The activity itself is important to helping you select the best headlamp so it’s important to think about the design and features before making a purchase. Check out this article to help guide you in selecting the best option for you. Activity Biking, climbing, and paddling activities benefit from a high light output and may require a certain type of distance from your beam. Running requires a proper fit, lightweight feel, and appropriate…