The BEST Exercise to work Upper and Lower Abs
This is the best exercise to work upper and lower abs. Bicycle crunches target all of your ab muscles. The American Council on Exercise declared bicycle crunches one of the most effective abdominal exercises, according to a small study performed in 2001. all of your ab muscles.
Are you working hard at getting those abs in shape but are not seeing any results? Bicycle crunches are The BEST Exercise to work Upper and Lower Abs. PERIOD!
The bicycle crunch lifts the torso and contracts the abdominal muscles in the same way as a standard crunch. Your external obliques, the muscles on the sides of your waist, are also activated as you rotate your body to bring a shoulder to the opposite knee.
The BEST Exercise to work Upper and Lower Abs
How to do Bicycle Crunches
- Start by lying flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and knees bent. Your feet should be on the floor and your hands are behind your head.
- Contract your ab muscles, drawing in your abdomen to stabilize your spine.
- With your hands behind your head, bring your shoulder blades back and slowly raise your knees to about a 90-degree angle, lifting your feet from the floor.
- Go through a bicycle pedal motion, bringing one knee up towards your armpit while straightening the other leg, keeping both elevated higher than your hips.
- Rotate your torso so you can touch your elbow to the opposite knee as it comes up.
- Alternate to twist to the other side while drawing that knee towards your armpit and the other leg extended until your elbow touches the alternate knee.
- Aim for 12 to 20 repetitions and three sets.