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Common Auto Accident Injuries

Photo by Dominika Kwiatkowska from Pexels

Driving is such a common part of modern living it’s easy to take it for granted. However, accidents do happen and even the safest driver can find themselves injured in an automobile accident. If you have been injured in an auto accident you should contact an injury attorney as soon as possible. 

Common Automobile Accidents

As every automobile accident is different there are also many types of injuries that can occur. Here are some of the most common (but not all) injuries reported in car accidents, their symptoms, and common treatments.

  • Whiplash: one of the most common types of injuries associated with car accidents whiplash is damage to the neck due to the sudden jolt of a car accident. Symptoms include neck pain, a reduced range of motion, headaches, pain in the shoulders, sleep issues, and ringing in your ears. Treatment can include physical therapy and medication. 
  • Broken Bones and Joint Dislocations: the force of an automobile accident can cause damage to your bones and joints. The most common bone breaks are to the extremities such as your wrists, legs, arms, and feet. Joint injuries are also a concern and common ones include the shoulder, elbow, fingers, knee, jaw, and others. Joint injuries can be more subtle than breaks and symptoms include bruising, reduced muscle strength, swelling, pain that doesn’t go away, and a reduced range of motion.
  • Concussions: the force of an accident can easily lead to a concussion. A direct hit to the head isn’t always needed for a concussion as the sheer force and the sudden jolt of a car accident can cause a concussion. Concussions are a type of brain injury and should not be taken lightly. Symptoms include dizziness, headaches, throbbing pain, an inability to focus, and brief blackouts. Treatments include physical and mental rest and depending on severity medication may be prescribed.
  • Herniated Discs: damage to your spin and neck occur in an auto accident due to both the force of the impact and your muscles tensing during the accident. Herniated discs commonly occur in the lower back area and symptoms include reduced movement and pain. If left untreated symptoms such as a weak back and tingling in the legs or arms can occur. Treatment varies based on severity and can include physical therapy, medication, and surgery if needed.
  • Emotional Trauma: not all injuries are physical and the stress and trauma of an automobile accident can cause emotional and psychological issues that are as severe as any physical injury. Signs that professional psychological and consoling may be needed include long-term anxiety, depression, reliving the event/flashbacks, avoiding the area where the accident occurred, and nightmares.

Final Thoughts

The injuries received in an automobile accident can a notable impact on your personal life and career. Long-term medical care and treatment may be needed to recover from some automobile accidents and issues such as insurance settlements become very important to pay for your medical treatment. When negotiating a settlement you need proper legal representation to ensure you receive the amount you are owed for your medical care, finical loss, and pain and suffering. An injury lawyer can help you when you need it most.

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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