Lower Your Stress Levels
5 Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels When you hit a certain age, you begin to believe your life is run by stress. But is it really? Is there anything you could do to get rid of this stress? The truth is, there is, in fact, many things you can do to lower your stress levels. You could get rid of both work-related stress and the stress caused by your life at home. You may feel engulfed by the amount of stress you feel daily. In this article, we discuss what you can do to reduce your stress levels. Lower Your Stress by Lowering Your Tax How does lowering your…
Our Fave Argyle Socks
What’s our favorite new accessory while we are working out? Argyle Socks! They take us straight back to our youth! When you were growing up, do you remember wearing Argyle Socks? They were a staple in my wardrobe. We use to love picking out new socks to match each and every outfit who would wear. As I grew older, they were still part of my everyday look, especially with sweats and a cute pair of jogging shorts. As I grew older, this is the way I have worn my Argyle Socks! I don’t know about you, but I love adding a bit of style to my workout attire. I am…
Three Tips to make a Good First Impression
At every stage of your life, it’s important to make a good first impression. No matter the situation — job interviews, blind dates, teacher conferences, or just new friends — your first impression matters. It can be formed as quickly as 1/10th of a second and last up to two years, so it’s imperative to start your relationship on the right foot. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can follow to help you nail that first-time meeting. 1. Look Presentable Your appearance is more than just clothing. However, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t dress to impress. In fact, something as simple as the addition of a…
Products to be Active as you Age
4 Products that Help Being Active As You Age No matter what generation you belong to or what social media platform you choose to spend your down-time scrolling through, there is one trend that you simply can’t escape these days: living a more active, healthier, and eco-friendlier lifestyle. No longer are health and earth conscious people ‘hippies’, as they may have been referred to or categorized as 20 years ago. No longer can you pop on a 20-minute Pilates workout VCR tape and then go get KFC for the family and be considered ‘healthy’. The ideas of health and nutrition in and of itself has changed from 20 years ago,…
Sneak Veggies into your Diet
With an abundance of high-calorie, low-nutrition convenience foods, many people struggle to get enough vitamins and minerals each day. Supplements may seem like an easy way to fill nutrition gaps in your diet, but supplements are expensive and can sometimes cause side effects or interact with other medications. Here are four ways to sneak extra nutrients into your diet without taking supplements. How to Sneak Some Extra Vitamins Into Your Diet Without Supplements With an abundance of high-calorie, low-nutrition convenience foods, many people struggle to get enough vitamins and minerals each day. Supplements may seem like an easy way to fill nutrition gaps in your diet, but supplements are…