Flat Belly Cucumber Ginger Spa Water
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How to relieve bloating with Flat Belly Cucumber and Ginger Spa Water. Drink all day long for amazing hydration benefits your body craves. Benefits like beautiful skin, flatter belly and relieves constipation. You need to try this refreshing alternative to sugary drinks especially if you are feeling tired in the middle of the day.
Need help with tummy bloating and flattening your belly? First, off drink water, I don’t mean a few glasses in between pop or soda, I am talking shoot for a gallon a day. what will happen is you will gain energy, your skin will appear clearer, you will lose belly bloat, toxins will be flushed out, you will lose weight. This all happens when you drink water. Our bodies are made up of water, we need to drink water to get things moving and to stay hydrated. This drink has the refreshing flavors of cucumber and ginger combined with an icy flavor.
- Ginger aids in digestion and is said to reduce your appetite. By adding a few chunks into a cup of warm water apparently sipping this prior to a meal will suppress your appetite. Also, helps with Excess Gas. You don’t want to keep that gas inside of you because what happens, bloating! Which is so uncomfortable. Ginger also Detoxifies and Disinfects the body.
- Cucumber actually helps make you feel full and is mostly water which makes it a natural diuretic. This means less bloating and holding onto to water.
RELATED: Doctor Oz Fat Flush Drink

Hydrate yourself and detoxify your system while drinking this refreshing detox water throughout the day.
- 3 Cucumbers
- 3 1 inch Pieces Ginger
Slice the cucumbers and peel the ginger.
Add into a large gallon size container then add ice cubes.
Drink all day and do your best to drink the whole gallon of spa water while eating 5 small meals.

Clancy Harrison
This sounds so refreshing. I think we all need a little detox beverage in our lives after the holidays- I know I do. I am a huge fan of flavor water but never tried ginger. Today will be a must for me! Thank you for the great idea and inspiration.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
That sounds really good. I would be interested in trying it.
fancygrlnancy (Nancy Partin)
I will have to try that. Sounds good and good for you.
When I was on South Beach, I drank a lot of flavored waters like this. Ginger is so great for digestion.
My Journey With Candida
I always make flavored waters, especially in the summer. I don’t get a lot to drink besides water so flavoring it makes me feel special.
Flat belly you say!? Well maybe I should give it a try! It sounds really good!
I love cucumber water! Infusing water with different veggies and herbs is a great detoxing trick too!
I never would have thought to use ginger! If it works, it works! I will have to try it.
I need to try this (and drink more water in general.) Especially after what I’ve eaten this week, this could really help.
Tiffany (A Moms Take)
This sounds very healthy. I need to try this.
Stacey- Travel Blogger
I know a lot of people that put cucumbers in their water! They say it really does help in weight loss!
Flat belly? I’m in! My goals is to be a little healthier this year.
Virginia Higgins (@thatbaldchick)
Cucumber ginger water sounds like a great alternative to plain ole water! I certainly need to increase my water intake!
I’ve drank cucumber water, but not with ginger. This is a great combo I must try this one day!
it sounds very good,I think I have to try it,but is it good for expecting mother,I mean for a woman that is looking for the fruit of the womb.