Citrus Detox Drink
You will love this Citrus Detox Drink made with lemons, oranges, and grapefruit to help rid your body of toxins by flushing your system.
Drinking more water is essential for weight loss! For some, drinking plain water is too hard to get in at least 8 – 10 glasses a day. Drinking water helps relieve you of bloat, helps flush your system, boost energy, reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.
- lemons -are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat-free food which punches a massive amount of flavor. Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so adding it to your water is going to help flush out those toxins.
- Oranges – Are very high in vitamin C and they also contain fiber. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, meaning that it helps your body fight the damage to its DNA and RNA done by free radicals.
- Grapefruits – A large amount of Vitamin C actually turns fat into fuel. Grapefruit has been labeled lately as the perfect fruit. Grapefruits are high in fiber and low in calories, and they contain bioflavonoids that protect against cancer. Grapefruits also increase the body’s metabolic rate, and actually makes you feel full!. It even fights fatigue! Start your day off with half a grapefruit to jump start your day!
Citrus Detox Drink

Citrus Detox Drink
- 1 large grapefruit
- 1 large lemon
- 1 large orange
- Spring Water
Add all ingredients into a large pitcher and infuse overnight.
Drink this all day for a refreshing boost and to flush your system.