Lemon Basil Green Tea Detox Water
To cleanse your system and flush toxins try Lemon Basil Green Tea Detox Water. Drink this for three days to banish belly bloat and gain more energy. Green Tea Benefits Read More Here Antioxidants in Green Tea May Lower Your Risk of Various Types of Cancer Green Tea May Protect Your Brain in your Golden Years, Lowering Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s has been found. The drink May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes Lower Your Risk of Becoming Obese and LOSE Weight It Can Help Mobilize Fat From Fat Cells Lemon Benefits – Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat free food…
Morning Lemon Detox Water to Alkalize and Flush Toxins
You must try Morning Lemon Detox Water to Alkalize and Flush Toxins from your body. This is absolutely the best way to relieve constipation and never again be bloated. Drinking a warm glass of Lemon Detox Water first thing in the am after good teeth brushing will flush your empty system quickly of toxins. This warm Detox Water will hydrate you right away and the combination of warm and the lemon will help get you into the bathroom getting rid of some stuff. When you are constipated this drink will help naturally. The best part is Lemon Water cleanses the liver. Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium.…