Morning Lemon Detox Water to Alkalize and Flush Toxins
You must try Morning Lemon Detox Water to Alkalize and Flush Toxins from your body. This is absolutely the best way to relieve constipation and never again be bloated.
Drinking a warm glass of Lemon Detox Water first thing in the am after good teeth brushing will flush your empty system quickly of toxins. This warm Detox Water will hydrate you right away and the combination of warm and the lemon will help get you into the bathroom getting rid of some stuff. When you are constipated this drink will help naturally. The best part is Lemon Water cleanses the liver.
- Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat-free food which punches a massive amount of flavor. Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so adding it to your water is going to help flush out those toxins.
- Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning helps ease the digestive process and eliminates bloating.
- Lemon juice supports your weight loss efforts. Lemons are made up with pectin which is a soluble fiber in our bodies. Pectin promotes digestion and will help with weight loss.
I drink Lemon water in-between my many different Detox Drinks I drink. Lemons can help ease digestion throughout the day and ease bloating! How about boosting your energy right when you wake up? You may find you don’t need that cup of coffee. Lemons are Alkalizing too! As I have mentioned before disease cannot live in an Alkalized body. Lemon Juice works as a Diuretic, cleansing your colon.
RELATED: How to lose weight with this Ginger Detox Water Recipe will give you more energy and cleanse your system. That will actually help you achieve your weight loss goals plus it is an inexpensive drink to make!

Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
I drink lemon water all the time. I love the taste of it.
Me too, first thing in the am really super charges you!
Liz Mays
This actually sounds like a great way to start my day. It’s a lot healthier than a morning diet coke!
You know, I have heard of this so many times, but it truly makes me want to gag every time I try to drink it, and I know it’s really good for you, but I just can’t 🙁
I like lemon water sometimes. I tend to just stick with plain water. I wonder if warm water would have the same bathroom effects.
I love adding a lemon to my water! One of the yummiest drinks that’s actually good for you!
Sarah Bailey
Ooh I shall have to give this a try – what a simple idea 🙂 x
I love drinking lemon water. Not only is it good for you, it tastes better than normal water.
I’ve always wanted to do this but I freak myself out thinking it would be so awful. I may have to give it a try!
Janell Poulette
I have been drinking so much water. I should start doing this too.
paula schuck
I don’t think I have ever made this warm. That’s interesting. I love lemon water in general but I rarely drink it first thing in the morning either. My daughter could benefit from this based on the fact that it helps if you have constipation.
Mama to 5 BLessings
I so am going to try this, should it be done 1X a day or more? I like that it’s natural.
I like lemon water but lime is really my citrus fruit of choice when it comes to flavoring my water. I read that they are both as equally good for you.
It sounds great to me! I like water with lemon in it sometimes, and this would be refreshing too, I’m sure.
Donna L. Ward
I found your article re-inspiring – I started drinking warm lemon water just a couple of weeks ago – you facts are just more interesting to help keep me doing this – thank you 🙂
I’ve been drinking warm water with lemon the last few mornings. It really seems to help with morning fog. LOL
I started doing this. I just warm up the mix before drinking it
Drinking lemon water in the morning before eating anything is very common practice in India. However, when I tried it, it did not work well for me (acidity).
Aisha Kristine Chong
This is definitely a good way to detox – we do this on a daily basis.
Lisa Rios
Love this idea! I love lemon drink. It gives energy for a great start of the day. Moreover, Lime has a great health benefits as well. Thanks for sharing.
Shannon Gosney
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Lemon Detox Water. Sounds like it has a lot of benefits! Thanks for sharing.
I have heard it is SO good to wake up with water. I need to try this for the new year.
Shannon Gosney
I’ve never tried the lemon detox before. Sounds like a really interesting thing to do. Thanks for sharing.
Melissa Smith
I drink water with lemon in it all the time, but I never thought about adding more lemon & drinking it first thing in the morning. Definitely an easy switch to make to really reap the benefits.
Amber NElson
Ok, I’m pretty sure I need to try this one!
oh this looks great. I diffuse all the time with lemon essential oils in different areas of my house. I haven’t tried drinking it though. I will have to look at this more.