Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing 🤗💪
You’re going to love this Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing and to help banish your belly bloat. Drink first thing in the morning and then again at lunch time. Kick start your metabolism and jump start your weight loss goals. You will actually gain more energy and feel amazingly less stressed when you drink more infused water.  We love homemade weight loss detox drinks!
Jump start your weight loss journey with this Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing your system. Each ingredient has a purpose to help you lose weight banish your belly bloat and be more regular.  I drink a glass of green tea every morning, I have pretty much-replaced coffee with green tea. I don’t get a mid morning crash anymore which keeps the energy level up. If you are working on weight loss there are a couple things that are so important, exercising and eating right, but also getting enough water in your system to hydrate and feel full! But to also help cleanse and move things along. ☺
Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing
Mint Benefits –  According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, peppermint relaxes your stomach muscles and increases bile flow, improving your digestion of fats. It promotes relaxation throughout the gastrointestinal tract, helping flatulence pass more easily. Mint is a stimulant, but it also stimulates the digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food and consume fat and turns it into usable energy.
Lemon – Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so adding it to your water is going to help flush out those toxins. “The polyphenols in lemon may aid in reducing appetite,” registered dietician Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. Rodent studies have shown that the polyphenols in lemon do help to prevent weight gain. Plus, she adds, “when you drink a glass of water, especially before a meal, this helps to fill your stomach, offsetting the amount of food needed to feel satisfied.”
Green Tea – “It’s all about the catechin content,” says Beth Reardon, RD, a Boston nutritionist. Catechins are antioxidants that fight and may even prevent cell damage. Green tea is not processed much before it’s poured in your cup, so it’s rich in catechins. The substances in green tea increase levels of hormones that tell fat cells to break down fat. This releases fat into the bloodstream and makes it available as energy. While green tea is a healthy beverage on its own, the antioxidants get partially degraded in the body, so you lose some of those benefits when the tea is weakened in this process. Adding lemon juice to green tea helps your body pull out up to six times more antioxidants from the green tea – supercharging its belly-melting power.

- 1 Gallon container
- 3 Lemons sliced
- Juice of 1 lemon
- A handful of mint
- 4 Green tea bags
Boil 4 cups of water and add in tea bags.
Let steep for 5 min.
Fill gallon container half way with Spring water then add the four cups of green tea mixture.
Then add the sliced lemons.
Next, add the mint.
RELATED: You need to Start your day off with a healthy beverage. Help your system flush unwanted toxins first thing in the morning. Drink throughout the day to stay hydrated and full.  It boosts metabolism, cleanses, & burns fat.
Detox water with lemon – Drinking a warm glass of Lemon Water first thing in the am after good teeth brushing will flush your empty system quickly of toxins.
Best Detox Cleanse for Weight loss – You need to do a Salt Water Flush For Constipation and to cleanse your colon.  Feel no more bloating and jump start a weight loss program.
We sure hope you enjoy this 3 day flat belly detox drink as much as Dave and I do. We drink it for three days then take a break for a few days. If you have tried Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing let us know how it worked for you!

Gladys Parker
Amazing, I always heard green tea was good for us but had no idea why. I love lemon , although I didn’t know of these awesome properties. The same with peppermint I thought it just helped upset tummies. Thanks for enlightening me.
Travel Blogger
I definitely need to try this to get rid of belly bloat. I will have to try and replace my morning coffee with this. I always end up with a terrible mid morning crash. This might help me have more energy through the day.
Hey Sharonoox
This looks so refreshing and delicious. Lemon ad green tea are great combination drink not to mention mint. I’m going to try make this to help detox the bad stuff in my body.
Chei Pangan
I think i really need this. I would love to try this every morning.
Our Family World
This looks like a great tasting detox water. I think I need to start drinking detox water again. I followed the link for the salt water flush. I will send that to my sister because there are times when she has constipation so bad.
Cara (@StylishGeek)
I did not know until recently that I could actually make my own detox water. Thanks so much to your recipe of Green Tea Lemon Mint Detox Water for Cleansing and the many others I have seen! I have been printing them and will definitely give a try!
Your photo is so lovely, and I must try this tea asap!
Kelly Reci
This GREEN TEA LEMON MINT are really awesome ingredients for cleansing..Love to try this healthy ingredients..