Kelp Noodles Stir Fry

Kelp Noodles
Kelp Noodles are a sea vegetable in the form of a needle. Just thinking about a vegetable that lives in the sea makes me want to eat them. Kelp Noodles are made of Kelp, Sodium alginate (which is sodium salt extracted from a brown seaweed) and water. Kelp Noodles are fat-free, gluten free and super duper low in carbohydrates and calories. They also provide a rich source of trace minerals. The noodles themselves are a different texture. Not slimy at all but sort of rubbery and very crunchy. There is not much of a taste to them. Kelp Noodles can be used in salads, stir fry’s, soups and casseroles. We have been replacing pasta with Kelp Noodles.

Kelp Noodles do not require any cooking. You will find them either in the refrigerated section near the eggs or pickles or they may be found on a shelf near your noodles and pastas. Take them out of the package and cut them if needed. I cut mine in half for my stir fry dish. Chili Paste is ready to be added into the mix.

This recipe is really easy for either dinner or lunch. Healthy, nutritious and does not rob my body of energy.

Donna Chaffins
I’ve never eaten kelp noodles before, and honestly, never really wanted to, but you sure do make them look good!
I’ve never had kelp before at all. I want to try a stir fry for my family. these would be great to add in.
I have ever had kelp noodles before, but this meal looks delicious so I am going to have to put them on my list.
I’ve never had kelp noodles but they sure do look good though.
Vanessa: thequeenofswag
That’s so interested. I’ve never tried Kelp noodles. I’m so going to try this.
I have never heard of Kelp noodles before. I am not sure I have anything with Kelp in it. Looks really tasty!
They are fairly new on the market. I just started eating them.
mickey coutts (@ahelicoptermom)
What a beautiful photo. It looks really interesting. I can’t imagine that I’ll make it myself, but maybe I’ll give it a try while dining out sometime. 🙂
🙂 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
I have never tried kelp noodles, but I wouldn’t mind giving them a try sometime!
Ummm…I can’t say I’ve every had Kelp noodles.
Rachel Lacy
Add e to the list of those who haven’t tried these noodles yet!
Marcie W.
Kelp noodles look very similar to the noodles I had while I was trying out a special diet a few years back. They made a great pasta substitute and you certainly can’t beat the health factor!
Don’t think I’ve ever had Kelp Noodles before but this looks good.
I haven’t tried kelp noodles before. Your stir fry recipe looks tasty.
I have heard Kelp is really good for you. I would try this recipe out!
Robin {Mom Foodie}
This looks like a dish I make with the thin rice noodles… this would be lower calorie though.
I’ve never heard of kelp noodles but they look interesting, though I don’t think I’d try the. A beautiful photo by the way!
TerriAnn van Gosliga
Wow, kelp noodles – what will they think of next! It’s nice to know they are gluten free so I can experiment with them on my husband 🙂
I didn’t know these existed, but I’m excited they do! I’ve been gluten-free for about a month and am looking for more ideas for yummy dinners that my toddler and husband will actually eat. These look delicious! Pinning now…
Penelope Guzman
It looks very tasty!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com
This actually looks really good. I’ve never had kelp before but now i want to try it.
Tricia @ Night owl mama
I have heard of Kelp but have never tasted it. Sounds like a recipe of flavor
Liz Mays
I’ve seen them but never thought to try them. It sounds pretty interesting though.
This looks so good. I am all about asian inspired dishes!
Shell Feis (@NotQuiteSusie)
I’ve never had those noodles before- they look interesting! I may have to pick some up & make this.
I don’t even know kelp noodles were so easily packaged like that