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Improve Your Health Starting at Home

4 Ways to Improve Your Health Starting at Home. If you’re an adult with a nose, there’s a fair chance that dust has sent you into a sneezing frenzy at least once in your life. It’s even worse if you happen to be an allergy sufferer. Fear not! There are actions you can take to improve your health. Follow at least one of these four tips for reducing the amount of dust, dirt, and other allergens in your home.

4 Ways to Improve Your Health Starting at Home

If you’re an adult with a nose, there’s a fair chance that dust has sent you into a sneezing frenzy at least once in your life. It’s even worse if you happen to be an allergy sufferer. Fear not! There are actions you can take to improve your health. Follow at least one of these four tips for reducing the amount of dust, dirt, and other allergens in your home.

1. Leave Shoes at the Door

Improve Your Health Starting at Home

Image via Flickr by Joybot

Believe it or not, tons of dirt, grime, and germs can enter your home when you leave your shoes on. Think about it: You are literally bringing in garbage from everywhere you stepped outdoors. One study revealed that 421,000 units of bacteria can live on the outside of our shoes. Gross! This problem can be eliminated by having a no-shoe policy. Don’t want to seem rude to your guests? Have a mat on both sides of the door. It won’t completely prevent germs from coming indoors, but it can reduce the amount present by up to 80 percent!

2. Replace Carpet With Hardwood Floors

While we’re on the subject of where we walk, carpet is the perfect place for germs to live. Regular vacuuming can decrease the amount of dust and bacteria in your home, but it won’t completely eliminate it. Don’t vacuum very often? Consider getting rid of the carpet altogether and upgrading to hardwood floors. Hardwood floors don’t harbor dust, dirt, and dander like carpet does, and they are a simple way to improve the overall air quality in your home. Let’s not forget that less dust and dander means less wear and tear on your home’s HVAC system.

3. Keep the Indoor Air Clean

If better air quality sounds great to you, open up a window. Studies show that outdoor air is cleaner than indoor air. If opening your windows isn’t an option, you can still make sure the air flowing inside your home is as clean as possible. 

Air filters should be changed regularly to reduce the amount of dust and other allergens flowing through your HVAC system. It’s also a good idea to have your unit serviced regularly. This is an easy way to catch minor problems and keep things running smoothly. Fans are also great for circulating the air within the home, but they should be dusted and cleaned frequently so they won’t spread particles around.

4. Use Natural Cleaners

Harsh cleaners are tough on your health. Get rid of them! Some cleaners release toxic chemicals that have been linked to numerous health issues. Try using natural cleaning products to reduce the number of harmful fumes in your home. Better yet, you can make your own cleaning products using items you have at home already, like vinegar or lemon.

Living a healthier life may seem like a daunting task at first. However, it really is simple to make changes. Things you may already be aware of can actually make a huge difference in your overall health. What are you waiting for? Go make your home a healthier place!


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