HIIT Workout on the Beach
It’s time to get out into the fresh air and hit the beach with this HIIT Workout on the beach. Working out on the beach adds more resistance to your exercises. Best of all it is a natural mood booster to get your day started off right.
What Is High-Intensity Interval Training?
HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. Interestingly, it is by far the most time-efficient way to exercise!
As little as 3 HIIT sessions per week, involving 10 min of intense exercise within a time commitment of 30 min per session, including warm-up, recovery between intervals and cool down, has been shown to improve aerobic capacity, skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, exercise tolerance and markers of disease risk after only a few weeks.
HIIT Workout
1. Surfer Getups
Begin on the ground in a low plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your belly touching the sand. Push up from the ground and jump right into a squatting position with the right leg in front of the left, as if you’re balancing on a surfboard.
2. Lateral Plank
Get into a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Take two steps to the right while maintaining a plank, and do a push-up. Repeat the move by moving back to the left. Perform another push-up and repeat.
3. Lunge Jumps
With the right leg in front of the left, get into a lunge position so your knees are both at 90-degree angles. Use your core and quads to jump straight up, switching your legs in mid-air. Land with your left leg forward, then repeat.
4. Twisting mountain climbers
Start in a plank position, then bring one knee to your opposite elbow. Quickly switch legs and twist the opposite knee to opposite elbow.