Detox Your Whole Body
We talk about doing cleanses and detoxing but forget about what we put on our skin. Detox your whole body with natural products that work to get rid of toxins so your body can operate at its optimum state.
Being over 50 we have to watch what we put on our skin, what we ingest and how to rid our bodies of bad things that have entered it. I found a great place to buy products that are not chemically-laden beauty products. Also, Detox Teas if I am not making them myself I opt to have them in my pantry.
With our lives as busy as they can be it is a great option to be able to browse this market which originates in sunny California and Canada. Beyond all else, they are passionate about educating and serving their community of like-minded and like-hearted individuals who believe in the power of pure products. They are here for us and want to see us thrive!
We set up a store right here on Skinny Over 40 of all of our favorite products. We are so excited to partner with the detox market!