How To Get A Head Start On 2020
We are more than halfway through the year, and if you think that we are already planning for next year, you are right. 2019 went by way too quickly, and we need plenty of time if we want to be ready in time for next year.
We are not waiting until January 1st to start our new year’s resolutions. Instead, we are building up to it. 2020 is right around the corner, and we are excited about what awaits ahead.
Reflect On 2019
Look at what you wanted to accomplish this year. Were you able to complete your resolutions from the beginning of the year? If not, is there still time to complete them? Think about things that you are not happy about this year and begin making changes now.
Commit to making lifestyle changes that will add up and make next years goals easier to achieve. This is the moment when you break your large goals down into smaller, attainable steps
Start Your 2020 Fitness NOW
Every year, getting in shape has been the top New Year’s resolution for as long as we can remember, yet we always come back to day one. What is it about fitness goals that is so difficult to start and so easy to drop?
What many do not realize is that putting off your healthy habits until the new year may be the reason why it is so tough to maintain. The thought of doing something “later” creates an intention, and we cannot push past it. Small changes and actions are what will lead to completing your actual goals, not wishing thinking.
Create realistic short-term goals before the big year ahead, and avoid buying gadgets to help you with your goals. There is no point buying a new workout outfit or a fancy Fitbit until you have established a routine. In fact, you should reward yourself if you remain consistent for a week, up to 21 days.
Get Your Finances In Order
Right now, it is the perfect time to think about your financial status and how you want the beginning of 2020 to look like. If you plan on buying a car or a house, having good credit will make that more accessible, and takes as little as six months to improve.
For less stress during tax season, begin working on your taxes and learn about the benefits of a tax lawyer through taxpage.com. The more you do this year, the less you have to do next year. Imagine all that can be done when you have more peace of mind.
Starting On The Right Foot
Stop next year’s resolutions from failing by achieving short term goals this year. If you plan on getting into shape, register for a race this January so that you can begin training for it now. Have a goal to save money? Take on a side job over the holidays so that you reach your goal by the time 2020 arrives.
If you attach your lifestyle changes to a specific date instead of slowly working on changing your habits, you will not make it past February. Take actions to get yourself into the mindset for your life that you. The beauty of starting now is that could complete your goals before the year even starts.