New Year Tips for Getting Fit
It is 2017 and now you need New Year Tips for Getting Fit! We want to share with you, our tips to be successful with everything you do.
Do you feel like every year you say the same thing? I am going to lose weight. I am going to quit smoking. I am going to do things different this year. But then you fail right out of the gate and then you just pick up with those old bad habits. Let’s look at some tasks to help you get on track.
New Year Tips for Getting Fit
1. Meal Prep – Meal prep is key to staying on track with your diet. Take a Sunday morning and cut up fruits and vegetables. Grill or bake up your proteins and toss with some red sauce for an easy grab and go protein option.
2. Work out where you can – No gym membership? There are plenty of places to work out. Go for a walk outside and get the blood pumping. Have a beach? Get out there and get moving. Find local folks to work out together outside.
3. Make Detox Soups flush your system – This plan from Dr. Oz will help you slim down while sipping a nutritious soup filled with detoxing vegetables. Dr. Oz Detox soup will help you burn fat and up your metabolism. You’re going to start with a basic broth, from there you can add your nonstarchy vegetables.
4. Do a Salt Water Flush Monthly – Do you suffer from constipation? Maybe you just don’t get enough fiber in your diet. Feeling extremely bloated? Try a Salt Water Flush for Constipation. Sometimes called a Salt Water Cleanse or a Master Cleanse it’s designed to help you cleanse your colon and digestive system by bringing on a forced bowel movement.
5. Take time for yourself. Get some “me” time in and enjoy the fresh air. If you can be physically active outside even better. Take time to relax in your outdoor scenery. Be grateful for where you are in your life. Spend time with your spouse away from the kids. Have a young family? Take time away from electronics and enjoy the outdoors!
We hope you enjoy these quick tips, how do you stay on track?

Meal prep is always keys. Cut up those veggies so they are handy. Will have to check into the saltwater and colon cleanse.
I have to get more accustomed to doing meal preps on Sunday nights. It would help out for our family’s diets and also, I think they’re very budget-friendly!
Paula Schuck
Thanks for sharing these tips. I’m very interested in trying that detox soup. It sounds tasty and super healthy.
I am now going to the gym very regularly, but I still need to learn more about nutrition so that I can get my metabolism burning more. I will definitely keep everything you said here in mind.
Pam Wattenbarger
Great tips for getting fit in the new year. I am trying to get in shape so I have been walking more and drinking more water.
Love this post! Meal planning is such a big part of staying healthy for our household, if we don’t plan ahead it’s far too easy to just grab anything. I wish it was warmer here in winter, but we still try to stay active, too 🙂
Alli Smith
I need to do better with meal prep. I am exercising more – walked 5 miles today – and drinking more water. I’m also eating better.
Annemarie LeBlanc
I love walking. That is the only exercise I do, and so far it has kept the weight off. I also try to eat small frequent meals. I don’t like skipping meals because it only makes me more hungry and that would make me binge on whatever food I get my hands on.
Valerie Gray (@valmg)
No fitness tips here. I do find that meal prep helps save me time and money, particularly when it comes to my youngest who is on a gluten-free diet.
These are some really great tips! I am on a journey to getting fit this year. These are helpful and will be great to use along the way!
The Trophy WifeStyle
So many great tips!!!! I’m going on one of my health kicks tomorrow to get rid of some of this winter fluff I I have lol…. I feel like I always gain like 5 lbs during the winter. Time to lose it for bikini season!
I love your tips! Meal planning really does make a huge difference – it’s amazing how different eating goes when you meal plan for the week haha! It’s so important!
sounds like you have a great plan for getting fit to everyone who needs help reaching their goals… thanks for the ideas : )
I found that Sunday meal prep was so helpful! Instead of scrambling and throwing something together, it was all right there and easy so I didn’t deviate
Cynthia Nicoletti
Great tips for loosing weight and exercising. I am going to try again to get in better shape.
Thanks for sharing all these tips. That detox soup is something Really need to try!