Skinny Recipes

Three Tips for Parents of Children With Severe Food Allergies

Order a Medical Alert Bracelet

In an emergency situation, minutes or even seconds can make the difference between life and death. If your child does require emergency medical care, a custom medical alert bracelet engraved with his or her name and allergy information, a contact number to reach you and any other pertinent information will quickly give medical professionals the information that they need to perform their duties effectively.

Medical alert bracelets can be useful in non-emergency situations, as well. While you should make sure that adults outside of your family whom you entrust with your child’s care are familiar with your child’s allergy, the bracelet can serve as a helpful reminder.

Be Open and Honest with Your Child

While it can be tempting to shield young children from the world’s harsh realities, it is important that your child understands the severity of his or her allergy and how he or she should handle a variety of situations. You should teach your child what to say in the event that a stranger offers food and how to determine whether it is safe to accept any snacks or drinks that he or she may be offered. Your child should carry the appropriate medication at all times and know how to use it. Finally, your child should know to call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Exercise Caution at Restaurants

If you decide to have a family meal out, it is a good idea to call the restaurant ahead of time and speak with the manager. Letting the restaurant staff know about the allergy ahead of time will make your experience smoother and more pleasant. Eating at a buffet is probably not a good idea since the food is premade and there is an elevated risk of cross-contamination.

Managing a severe allergy situation can be time-consuming and anxiety-provoking. Fortunately, most people are very understanding, and there are many food options available for people with a variety of food allergies and sensitivities. It’s helpful to remember that as your child gets older, things will become easier.

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.

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