The 3 Essentials To Keeping Your Knives Maintained
This means that you need to not only sharpen it, but you have to make sure you are taking care of it so that it stays sharp and always works the way it should. If you take care of your knife it will take care of you. Most people have no idea that they should be doing more to make sure it’s maintained, however. In this article, I will go over what you need to do to take care of your knife.

Photo by Lukas:
1 – Keep it sharp
One of the most important things you can do in your kitchen is to keep your knives sharp. Use a knife sharpener regularly so you never use a dull knife to prepare your food. Using a dull knife now only makes the job a lot harder when you have a lot of cutting and chopping to do but it’s also dangerous.
A dull knife requires you to use more force to cut things. When you have to push or force a cut then you risk losing control of the knife and cutting yourself. When the knife is sharp it pretty much does the work for you. You only need the barest minimum of pressure to make the cut which is safer and also far more efficient.
2 – Hand wash only
It is very tempting to throw your knives into the dishwasher when you are set to run a cycle. It’s easy and you don’t have to get dirty in the sink. However, that is a sure way to ruin your knives. The chemicals in the dishwasher liquid are corrosive to the steel of the blade so the edge ends up getting dull. You’ll notice a huge difference in the cutting ability of the knife after washing it in the dishwasher.
Not only will your knife get dull, but you are also risking damage to the handle. The heat from the hot water can crack the handle if it isn’t heat resistant. Then, water will make its way inside and end up rusting the knife. After just a few washes, your knife will be useless.
3 – Proper storage
If you are keeping the knife in a drawer with a lot of other items that are going to be banging into the knives and not secure then you are ruining your knife in many ways.
You’ll need to have a way to store your knife so they are not coming into contact with other tools so the edge will stay sharp and not get dented. Microscopic dents occur on the blade edge which makes it not cut properly.
Keep them on a magnetic strip attached to the wall for easy access and the ability to keep them away from each other. When you are doing meal prep it can be a lot of work. That’s why you need to find ways to make the job easier. You need to have a plan and also make sure you’re using the right tools. This is why it’s so important to keep your knives maintained. A maintained knife is going to make your life a lot easier.