Simple Ways to Detox Your Body
Simple Ways to Detox | Every day we expose our bodies to many different kinds of toxins from the air we breathe, the environment, the water we drink and use, and the food we eat. You have to admit, toxins have become a normal part of your daily life that you have practically adapted to being exposed to it and accepted what it does to your body.
Simple Ways to Detox Your Body and Feel Satisfied
Toxins, no matter how regular they become in your daily routine, can take a negative turn for your health. It can affect your body physically; it can gradually change your mental and emotional health; it can affect your overall physique and your entire life. Among the many, but widely common symptoms that the toxicity level of your body is high are sudden weight gain, constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue, abnormal bowel movements, chronic body pains and sensitivity of the senses of smell and taste.
The bad news is you’re probably high in toxicity right about now. You have just become accustomed to the feeling and chuck it off to stress or tiredness after a long day. The good news is detoxifying is pretty easy and can be done right here and now.
- Start with a glass of water & juice of a lemon or lime.
The common concept of detoxification is taking in a special concoction made from natural resources such as lemon and water. Water is the number one ingredient to help your body to flush out the toxins. The more water you drink, the quicker the toxins can be cleaned out from your insides.
Couple this with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Lemon is rich in alkaline properties that are effective ingredients to flush out bacteria and fight germs inside your body. If lemon is not available, you can also substitute it with apple cider vinegar.
- Exercise to release toxins from fat cells
Exercise is not only an effective way to tone and develop your body; it can help with detoxification, too. It is one of the most important and most effective ways to release tension and distress in your body.
When one exercises regularly, the lymph system is active and the blood circulation is at a good place to work in cleansing the body from toxins. When you exercise, your digestive routine can improve, the stress and tension from your body can be released, and it will strengthen your physical state.
- Follow a diet that is rich in micronutrients
A change in diet is necessary when you want to detoxify. The number of toxins our bodies ingest mostly come from the food and drinks we take. Understandably, you will need to steer clear from food and drinks that are high in toxins. This will require a change in your diet scheme.
Avoid using toxic oils that can be found in peanut oil, vegetable oil and canola oil to name a few. Instead, use good oils that have less to no toxins content. Among these are coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, and oils that are rich in omega-3. An effective diet plan not only keeps you healthy, it will also help flush out the toxins from your body and can even be an effective weight loss program.
- Exfoliate the toxins with skin brushing
Now we tackle the outward detoxification. When your body is high on toxins, it can be seen in your physical appearance, generally your skin. Toxic skin types can range from crackly to dry skin.
Natural exfoliation can help in maintaining your skin and prevent it from becoming too dry. Avoid exfoliating products, unless absolutely necessary, and prefer to use natural exfoliation ingredients such as honey, oatmeal and citrus fruits.
- Drink green tea and herbal teas
Teas are widely known for being effective detoxification agents that have positive health effects on the body. Teas such as green tea and other herbal teas are filled with antioxidants that are excellent aids to cleansing the body and detoxification. Although teas have caffeine content, compared to coffee, drinking tea is a lot safer for your system.
Instead of drinking coffee or ordering that sweet juice from a restaurant, replace your drinking regime with tea. It can help with a quick detoxification process.
- Deep breathing
A toxic body can come from stress and over fatigue from working too hard and too much. The air around you can also be a source of toxins that you will quite possibly ingest. Take a step back and take a lungful of oxygen to help to flush out the toxins.
Sometimes, all you need is a good and relaxing time out from all the stress. Take a deep breath and feel the clear oxygen run through your body. Deep breathing is an effective way to release the tension you may feel from all the stress you are going through. Stress can magnify the toxic feeling in your body, and deep breathing can help relieve some of that tension away.
- Get good night sleep
Sleep is as important to you as it is to a baby. Although babies will need more time to sleep, and as we grow older, we find that we can still function with less sleep, it is still important that your body gets enough rest and sleep. Lack of sleep can increase fatigue and tiredness that will increase the tension you feel in your body.
Always make time for sleep. It is absolutely necessary that your body gets the right amount of rest and sleep so that your blood circulation is healthy and your organs can also rest from all the activity you do through the day.
Detoxification is an important practice if you want to maintain your body in a healthy habit. Toxins have become a normal, regular part of our daily lives, but it does not mean we cannot do anything to avoid it or to flush it out of our body.
Good thing detoxifying is not such as difficult task. As you learned from what you have just read, you can start your detox regime right away with this list in mind. Detox is easy, simple and it is necessary to maintain and healthy body and a sound mind. At the end of the day, your body is your responsibility, and even if the environment has grown to be full of toxins, the environment also gives us simple ways to detoxify and feel satisfied.
Author Bio:
Dr. Kojian M.D. has had extensive training in weight loss, hormone replacement treatments, anti-aging medicine, and has many med spas and weight loss clinics in California. Dr. Kojian went to Medical School at the University of Illinois and trained at White Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Kojian teaches patients how to eat to lower their hunger, helps them correct deficiencies in their blood tests to boost their metabolism, and shows patients the best exercises to burn fat and tone muscle. Dr. Kojian has been on T.V. and the news many times in Los Angeles as well in Dubai and the middle east and is considered a leading expert in weight loss and health.
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One Comment
All your tips are amazing. And I follow some of them in my daily routine which results a healthy life.
I always drink one glass of lime water in morning, then I exercise for at-least 15 minutes, and drink one cup of green tea in the evening.