How To Open a Coconut with One Tool

How To Open a Coconut with One Tool
It is no secret how much I love Coconuts. I love to eat them raw, drink Coconut Water, bake with it and use it on my body.
Did you read my 10 DIY uses for Coconut Oil? You will love the many uses of the coconut. I love using Coconut Oil as a makeup remover as well as rubbing it on my skin after a bath. You can also make your own body scrub, I made a pretty blue colored scrub for my daughters baby shower, it was a huge hit.
I bought my coconut and was like how do you open a coconut anyway? I looked for a special tool at the grocery store and the produce man laughed at me. Yes, he seriously laughed at me. Sheesh.. I decided to head over to Google and ask “How To Open a Coconut With One Tool” I came across lots of videos using a screwdriver and a hammer. I had neither in the condo. I then came across the one that I could manage to try. Using a simple large knife. That is the knife above in the photo I used. Whack, Whack, Whack. That is pretty much it.
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Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
Coconuts are actually pretty hard to find around my neck of the woods. I am not sure I would know how to eat it or what to do with it once it was opened lol.
My Journey With Candida
Here too Robin, and when you find them they are usually older. I do love them though.
I love coconut but never buy it because it’s so hard to open. This could totally be a game-changer!
We only bought them a few times and could never get them open. Now I can buy them again.
Our bird loved coconut and my hubby couldn’t ever figure it out. This is awesome. Much better than how he did it haha!
I love, love, love coconuts! Coconut oil is one of my favorite ways to cook too.
My Journey With Candida
I will have to show this to my Hubs. I love coconuts, but my Hubs is the one that opens them for me.
I bought a coconut once and wound up throwing it away because I couldn’t open it. Now I know how and I can actually buy one again!
This is embarrassing but I never buy coconuts because I don’t know how to open them. I love the taste of coconut in everything.
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
Ah, thank you! I’ve never bought a whole one because I never knew how to open it!
I have never tried with the nonsharp side before. Gotta try that next time!
Janell Poulette
I have always wondered the right way to do this. My son always wants me to buy coconuts.
Marielle Altenor
That’s a really great tip! We rarely ever have coconuts because it’s so hard to open. Will have to keep this tip in mind for the next time we do have coconuts!
Liz Mays
Ah, a perfectly simple way to do it! I’ll be able to show off this new skill now!
I am not sure I have ever purchased a real coconut. This is good news to know because they are hard.
Sarah Bailey
Now that is great – I’ll never forget my Mum trying to open one particular coconut when I was a child – it didn’t go very well.x
Amanda Ripsam
I never buy coconuts but that is a great trick you showed us. I usually just buy it shaved up all ready and in the bags. I would love to try your trick.
Before I say whether I like this tip or not – I must try it! It seems like it would work. I’ve never done it this way though.
Mama to 5 BLessings
I always wondered how to do this, I was afraid of the mess or cutting one of my fingers off!
I don’t think I’ve ever attempted to open a coconut myself. This is a great tutorial, though. I need to check out your uses for coconut oil!
I am from jamaica, and every household uses a machete to open a coconut. We cook alot using coconuts
Coconut is so yummy, I also really like the milk too; it’s just such an awesome thing to have!
Yum! I love coconut. Great tip, it is one intimidating fruit.
Angela S
I love coconut, but have never tried to open one. I will have to try this technique.
Shannon Gosney
I have to be honest that I love coconut but never buy them because I have no idea how to open them. This is an awesome tool!
Coconut is one of my favorites. I remember back in the 60s when my Dad was working a lot in Hawaii…he would bring us home coconuts and we had the hardest time getting them opened., That is a great tool to have if you love coconuts. I will have to look into it.
I have never been able to cut a coconut. I need to try this! Maybe this way I will be able to do it.
Since moving to Michigan I don’t see many coconuts like I did when I lived in the south. When I do see them, they are a bit pricey. So, I buy it raw in the organic section. Cheaper and already cut up for me! Great tips though. I can’t tell you how many times I failed at cracking one open.