Low Sex Drive? Surprising Ways To Boost Libido
Movies and societal norms make many people believe they must be ready for sex at all times. This is certainly not true for everyone. But, there are several ways to increase the sex drive, depending on the individual.

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Reduce Stress
It’s essential to reduce stress while dealing with low libido. Make lifestyle changes that reduce stress and incorporate stress-relieving activities like massage, meditation, or yoga. You will enjoy sex when you’re relaxed.
Address Any Negative Issue
Anxiety about possible negative consequences may prevent you from enjoying sex. Maybe you don’t want to get pregnant, or you fear contracting an STI. Use a condom to be safer. On the other hand, maybe you experience pain during sex. The pain can cause discomfort and lower your libido. See a doctor to address the issue.
Use Medication/ Hormone Treatment
Your doctor can prescribe medication to boost your libido. However, avoid using herbal supplements before consulting a doctor. Also, hormonal imbalances can reduce libido. Your doctor can recommend hormone replacement therapy to help you achieve healthy sex.
Spice Up Things
If you no longer enjoy your sex life, try something new to spice up your love life. Maybe you can try a new sex style or go for a dinner date or spend a night or two away from home.
Do It, Solo
Sex isn’t always fun and pleasurable with a partner. Studies show that women masturbate at a lower rate than men. Masturbation can improve self-awareness, body esteem, and social competence. Through masturbation, you will learn how to please yourself and discover which point turns you on. You can use your hands or purchase bullet vibrators online.
Take Alcohol in Moderation
Some people like taking a glass of wine or using cannabis before sex. Both substances can help you relax. However, too much alcohol can cause erectile issues in men or make them too tired to perform in bed, thus lowering their sex drive— using substances in moderation.
Use Lubricants
A lubricant can make sex more pleasurable by reducing irritation and friction, thus reducing discomfort. You can use commercial lubricants or coconut oil. Have fun, and let your partner know you need a lubricant.
Get Enough Sleep
Moving up and down and working all day can make sleeping difficult, leaving you tired and stressed. Sleep is essential for normal body functioning and can boost your sex drive.
Understanding What Turns You On
Many people don’t have a constant desire for sex. They need to be aroused to feel the desire. If you sit down and wait for arousal, it may never come. Increase your sex drive by fantasizing, reading erotica, watching pornography, sexting, or foreplay. Experiment with what turns you on and increases sexual desire.
Address Sexual Dissatisfaction
If you have issues with your partner, the problem will likely affect your bedroom matters, making you or both dislike sex. Even if your partner doesn’t want to engage or end the conflict, it’s best to work on issues rather than ignore them. If your partner doesn’t satisfy you, let them know and work on ways to improve your sex life.
Lack of exercise may be the cause of low sex drive. Physical activity, be it jogging, yoga, running, or walking, is a great natural libido booster. Exercise will help you feel at ease, while Kegels helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
Visit a Therapist
Even if you’re using other methods to improve your sex drive, you still need to consult your doctor. The professional will suggest the best ways to improve your libido and treat underlying issues. Low libido affects people of all ages and genders. A sex drive mismatch can affect a relationship. Fortunately, there are many ways to boost the sex drive, such as stress reduction, spending time with a partner, taking moderate alcoholic beverages, and exercising. Always consult a doctor to rule out the cause and advise you accordingly.