Skinny Recipes

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin in Five Steps

With summer around the corner, we’re going to start showing more skin. With winter leaving our skin dry in its wake, many of us are looking for ways to get rid of dry skin before we start enjoying our sunny days. While there are plenty of pricey products you can use to moisturize your skin, there are also some simple steps you can take to get rid of or even prevent dry skin in the first place. Take a look:

1. Eat oil-rich foods.

What you put into your body matters. From eating a diet rich in fats, such as avocados and olive oil, to simply avoiding an excess of alcohol (replace it with vegan CBD gummies), there are many ways that what you put into your body could be affecting your skin. However, avoid greasy foods in your attempt to have better-looking skin, as grease and processed foods are also bad for your skin.

2. Stay hydrated.

One of the best ways to have great, moisturized skin is to stay hydrated. While many personal trainers will tell their clients to stay hydrated for weight loss purposes, did you know that dehydration is one of the biggest causes of dry and scratchy skin? Also, while coffee may be one of your favorite liquids to drink, the reality is that it could be doing a number on skin and causing dryness.

3. Consider using a humidifier.

Have you ever noticed your skin gets dry when you visit certain places? For example, whenever I visit Colorado, my skin dries out and I find the air to be much drier there than where I live. So, if you live in a dry climate and find your skin getting dry, regardless of the season, you could use a humidifier in your house to keep the air cool to allow for moisture. Something else that may be a leftover cause of dryness from the winter: high heat from your heater could have caused dry skin. So, if it’s still cold where you’re at, consider turning the heat down a bit and turning on your humidifier.

4. Don’t use harsh soaps or cleansers.

Some people think that heavy soaps and cleansers will help them got off all the grime and dry skin. However, in some cases, the soaps may be the thing that is causing the dry skin. Some people’s skin is too sensitive to what’s inside of the cleansers out there and actually end up taking away any moisture you may have in your skin, already.

5. Use hydrating masks and lotions.

Obviously, you’ll want to start using lotions or other moisturizers for your body and face, to make sure you look and feel amazing in the summer. From hydrating masks that go deep to moisturize your face to moisturizers that you can put on at the beginning of the day for fresh, soft skin throughout the day, keep up a moisturizing routine to keep the dry skin away. You want to make sure to avoid heavy moisturizers in the summer, as this can cause clogged pores and acne, which you also want to avoid. Don’t use charcoal-based products but do look for hyaluronic acid in the products you buy to keep your skin clean and moisturized.

In Conclusion

A hot girl summer will call for moisturized skin. Gone are cold winter days and now we welcome the warmer days where we can wear summer wear and gear. To make sure your skin looks its best, make sure to consider these tips to help you maintain hydrated skin throughout the season. 

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