Skinny Recipes

CBD Edibles

CBD Edibles

CBD is a naturally-occurring chemical found in cannabis. However, it should be noted that CBD is not the chemical that produces a “high” (that chemical is THC). Instead, CBD simply helps to reduce anxiety and pain, which can help people to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 

Since some people may not want to smoke cannabis, for whatever reason they choose, it may be best for them to try eating edibles. Edibles commonly come in a variety of options, including gummies, cookies, and even chocolate.

Warm Beverages

Most people have probably heard that drinking warm milk before bed can help a person to sleep better. As it turns out, there is some truth to that. However, it isn’t just milk that does the trick. Any warm non-caffeinated beverage can help!

This works because warm beverages tend to make people feel more full than cold beverages do. A feeling of fullness helps people to sleep better. So, try having a cup of warm milk, hot cocoa, or decaf tea before bed to see if it can help!


According to the National Sleep Foundation, nuts are one of the best foods to eat before bed to help improve the quality of sleep. This is because many varieties of nuts naturally contain melatonin. When people take in more melatonin, whether it be naturally or in pill-form, they sleep better. This is because melatonin helps to regulate one’s sleep cycle. So, try eating nuts as a bedtime snack or throughout the day to improve your quality of sleep. 


If you are allergic to nuts, you can get your melatonin fix from eating certain types of fruits. However, it should be noted that not all fruits have a mentionable amount of melatonin. Some of the best fruits to try include pineapple, oranges, and kiwis. Like with the nuts, try eating these regularly to improve your sleep schedule. 

Just like with any other home remedy, it should be noted that some of these tricks will take longer to work than others. Eating edibles and drinking warm beverages can work for a quick fix. Eating nuts and fruits can slowly help to improve your quality of sleep over time. Keep this in mind and try whichever home remedy you think is right for you!

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