Box Step Ups to Lift Your Booty
Box Step Ups, a good start to your leg routine.
This workout is great for your booty and your lungs. Stepping up one step and pulling that knee up to your chest 20 times is a great move to add into your workouts a few times a week. Here are some of the benefits of doing this move.
Cardio – When I was in high school step aerobics came out, gliding up just one step over and over really can get your heart rate up. Step Ups will help you burn more calories while you are doing your strength training, so add this in your workout.
Lifts Your Rear End – Saggy rear? This move will work your back side, step up flat footed and push that knee up to your chest. To add to this move, grab two dumb bells and press up to the sky.
Increase Your squat and deadlift strength. They increase your overall leg strength. It’s is a unilateral exercise; therefore, in addition to fixing muscle size imbalances, it fixes strength imbalances that are holding back your progress on bilateral leg exercises
We hope you enjoyed this little tip for helping with your rear end 🙂 Then you can feel confident to show off your back side!