8 Stages to Find Your Soulmate
8 Stages to Find Your Soulmate
Description, Of course, you have been in love, but have you ever thought that someone is just the perfect person for you? Many people are hoping to find a soulmate, but the real question is – do they know how to recognize them?

Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels
Have you ever heard your friend or cousin telling you that they found the love of their life? Have you wondered what it means, and how can they know that there is only one who can carry this title? We all know what love is and how happy it makes us feel. But is there such a thing as a soulmate?
Mainstream culture, from the best works of modern literature, movies, and cartoons, sends a message that for each of us, there is that special someone who will make all of our dreams come true waiting out there. However, many of us spend a lifetime searching for this person, and unfortunately, we usually don’t succeed in finding her or him. But, some believe that most of the people try to find a soulmate without actually understanding how to find a soulmate.
What Is a Soulmate

Photo by Arthur Ogleznev from Pexels
There is this general idea that everyone has their other half and that it is somehow predetermined even before we are born. But this is a bit spiritual meaning that often appears in movies, series, novels and so on and a lot of people are convinced that it is someone with whom they can live in perfect harmony. In reality, though, before you set off on a mission to find a soulmate, it is better to understand that things are a bit more complicated.
A soulmate is not someone who is going to bring you perfect bliss – it is more someone who is going to make you complete and vice versa. It is someone who is going to help you become a better version of yourself. And this can be a bit rough at some moments. It can even seem like you are not a match at all, but after a bit of work, you feel that click that you have been waiting for, and you know that this person is ideal for you. Whether you meet someone on one of the best dating sites or in real life, you will know when you find your soulmate. Let’s take a look now at some tips on how and where to find your soulmate.
How to Find a Soulmate
You Simply Know It
There is something deep inside of you that is telling you that this person is the right one. Some call it intuition, the others love at first sight. It is when you have the feeling that there is something else, like some kind of force pushing you towards this person.
You Met Before
Your soulmate is rarely someone that you never saw before. Usually, these are the people you cross paths with. Maybe there are your neighbors or friends of friends or someone you meet in the supermarket. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you exchanged more than a simple Hello until the moment emerged for you two to meet.
You Feel Each Other
This can sound too spiritual for some, but in fact, the thing is that you simply understand each other on such a deep level that you can feel each other’s emotions. It means that you can stand in each other’s shoes. It is this moment when you know how your partner feels when they call you by phone without them having to tell you what is going. This is possible to happen even if you find a soulmate online.
You Ask Each Other for More
There is this common misconception that when you find a soulmate, everything is simply wonderful. This is not the point of a soulmate – they aren’t supposed to just tell you how beautiful or smart you are, but instead to push you for more. This can sometimes be difficult, but it is important for personal development.
You Work Through the Arguments
Conflicts between two different people are completely normal, even when we are talking about soulmates. Regardless of how much you are connected, there will be situations when you will disagree on things, or when you will encounter some difficulties. When you have the desire to fight for the relationship regardless of the problems – job loss, problems in one’s family, financial difficulties, etc., you know you found a soulmate.
You Know Each Other Well
Some people are wondering if you can find a soulmate online. In our opinion, it is maybe even easier because being online and apart allows you to get to know the person. This means that you know all of their good sides and negatives. You also know the positive sides of their flaws and vice versa.
It is Easy to Have a Conversation
Many people have problems having meaningful conversations with each other, even if they are in long term relationships. Certainly, they do communicate, but in reality, not about anything important. If you found a person with whom you can talk about all of your worries and fears, as good as when you talk about your joy that you likely found a soulmate.
You Are Not Jealous
People tend to think that little jealousy is healthy and that it is a sign that you love someone. But in fact, when you find a soulmate, you have no reason for jealousy because you feel secure in your relationship. It is possible though that you experience it because it is so common and normalized in our world, then you find ways to deal with it.
Some people find a soulmate quickly, while others, as we mentioned, spent their entire lives waiting for one that never arrives. They sometimes think this whole idea of a soulmate is just a fairytale. We assure you that it is not, and as you could see, there are plenty of signs that can signal you that you found what you have been looking for. What do you think about soulmates?
Author’s bio
Michelle Austin is a guest blogger and copywriter with more than 3 years of experience in the psychology of family relationships category. Worked for a long time at the Media Group as editor. Now she is a relationship coach for couples from Mansfield, OH. Her main goal is to help couples stay together in a healthy and strong relationship. Take care of yourself and be patient.