Dr. Oz Restart Your Body 5 Ways in 5 Days
You’ll want to Jumpstart your healthy goals this year with Dr. Oz Restart your body 5 ways in 5 days. Gain energy and lose weight with this amazing 5-day program. You will see and feel the results.
Dr. Oz restart your body 5 ways in 5 days. Some days I feel tired and worn out! How about you? Are you having trouble concentrating or sticking to a proper nutrition plan? Dr. Oz’s 5-day program is designed to help you get your energy back and look and feel beautiful.
My hubby and I got out on a nice Winter day and enjoyed watching all the ice fishing on Medicine Lake in Maple Grove. I am not a Winter girl so I struggle being active in the Winter months. Let’s recap Dr. Oz’s latest episode to restart and recharge our bodies. You know I have been working hard at Detoxing our bodies, one of my favorites has been the Dr. Oz Fat Flush Drink
To use this program you will start on the day you feel the most fatigued.
5-Day Energy Supercharge Program.
Dr. Oz Restart your body 5 ways in 5 days
Day 1: Super Supplement – Astragalus
Take 200 mg of astragalus twice a day, in the morning and at night. Dr. Oz says you will notice the difference in your sluggishness quickly. We feel tried primarily from aging. Also from our daily normal task’s that can be overwhelming.
Day 2 Super Food – Brewers’ Yeast
You’re going to continue the journey of raising your energy levels. Add brewer’s yeast on Day 2. Brewer’s yeast contains chromium which will stabilize those sugars that can have you feeling tired throughout the day. Go ahead and sprinkle it on just about everything. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons per day.

Day 3 of the Dr. Oz Restart your body 5 ways in 5 days is to battle fatigue once you have scarfed down your meal, Drink papaya juice.
Papaya juice contains an enzyme called papain, a well-known dietary supplement used to promote healthy digestion. Drink one 8-ounce glass of papaya juice every morning for an extra boost.
Day 4 Grab a Super Snack – Brazil Nuts
In the middle of the day do everything possible to not grab a bag of chips or a salty snack. Grab my Baked Spinach Chips you can also reach for Brazil Nuts. These nuts are packed with the plant-based selenium mineral that supercharges your thyroid which is a big role in energy metabolism. Up your metabolism lose fat.
Day 5 Super Human Growth Hormone – HGH
HGH helps regulate how much fat your body stores. It also works on how much muscle you build, along with supporting the collagen in your skin. By the time you’ve hit middle age, umm that is where I am sitting you’ve lost about 85% of the HGH we produced when you were young. We also lose a 2% every year after that.
Dr. Oz recommended how to increase your HGH levels naturally.
1. Resistance Exercise You know what this is, work out and feel the burn. Do this 3 times a week.
2. Deep Sleep, the production of HGH starts a few hours after your in a deep sleep. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. To make it happen do not exercise a few hours before going to bed, also no caffeine. Also, sleep in a cool and quiet room for relaxation.
3. Amino Acids Dr. Oz recommends getting these from quality protein sources. This could be eggs, poultry, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and beans.
How do you combat fatigue during the day?

Becca @ Mama B
I need to stock up on some papaya juice. I am constantly tired!
I can use some pep in my step! I have been super tired lately.
Me too!
Liz Mays
Ok, I’m terrible. I give into it and take a nap almost every day. I just love naps so much!
Liz I love my naps! My daughter was here yesterday, she wasn’t feeling well so she came home to mom.. She ate and slept all day in my bed, no nap for me! I was exhausted by the time she left LOL.
Donna Chaffins
I rarely take a nap, unless I’m sick. I do need to do resistance training. And I hate cold weather and would rather hibernate in the winter. 🙂
Swa-Rai (@swaraiblog)
Great tips! I love Dr. Oz show and the info that he shares.
I could definitely use more energy throughout my day. Starting off the day with papaya juice sounds really good.
Robin {Mom Foodie}
I am going to have to look into Astragalus. I tend to grab a D3, B-Complex & a coffee. Not ideal, but it gets me over that afternoon slump.
Vanessa: thequeenofswag
I love Dr. Oz. I used to go to him in NYC before Oprah discovered him.
mickey coutts (@ahelicoptermom)
Great tips. Dr. Oz always has really good advice!
Once I’m up I feel pretty good through out the day. No naps for me..
TerriAnn van Gosliga
I nap, a lot 🙂
Ummm…I’m going to research step one.
Rachel Lacy
First of all — you look fabulous! Second, I didn’t know about any of these superfoods for getting in a “restart” mode. Thanks!
Shell Feis
I need to check out that juice! I need all the extra energy I can get right now.
I feel so out of the loop when it comes to health stuff like this, thanks for the great tips!
Marcie W.
I would be interested in trying out some of these suggestions, especially the yeast and papaya juice. I do already strength train at least 3x a week and get plenty of sleep, so I’m off to a great start.
I did not know that about Papaya Juice – I love papayas so I’m going to try and incorporate the juice into my routine!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com
I love papaya but I don’t think I’ve seen papaya juice before. I’ll have to look for it next time I’m out.