4 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy When You’re Trying for a Baby
Are you hoping to start trying for a baby soon? Whether you’re currently trying already or whether you plan to start trying soon, looking after yourself and staying healthy is more important now than ever. Taking care of your own well-being when trying for a baby can help lift your spirits, prepare your body for pregnancy and, in some cases, even help improve your fertility. Fortunately, you don’t have to completely overhaul your daily routine to start taking better care of your health during this crucial time. Here are four simple ways you can stay happy and healthy while planning to try for a baby.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
1. Consume a Wholesome Diet Filled With the Nutrients Your Body Needs
The baseline for good health during the pre-pregnancy period is a well-rounded diet. Without a wholesome diet, your body may develop nutritional deficiencies, which could make getting pregnant tougher and which could make you feel worse, both physically and emotionally. Thankfully, this issue has an easy fix – simply focus on incorporating whole foods into your diet to give your body the nourishment it needs. Although it’s important to get enough of all essential nutrients, some nutrients you may want to focus more on getting enough of when you’re gearing up for pregnancy testing include:
- Folate
- Calcium
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Essential fats
2. Get to a Healthy Weight and Keep Active Every Day
Maintaining a healthy weight and getting or staying in good physical shape is another important factor to focus on when trying for a baby. When it comes to maintaining your overall health, staying active is key. Make sure to:
- Gain weight if you’re underweight or lose weight if you’re overweight
- Incorporate a half hour or more of light to moderate exercise into your everyday schedule
- Mix cardio exercise with light strength training to get strong and healthy
3. Eliminate Potentially Harmful Substances From Your Daily Routine
Even before you get pregnant, there are certain foods and chemicals that you may want to avoid due to potentially harmful side effects. For example, you may need to cut out certain foods and adjust your pre-pregnancy skincare routine. Some ingredients and foods to watch out for include:
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Raw fish and soft cheeses
- Retinol
- Salicylic acid
- Benzoyl peroxide
4. Book a Doctor’s Visit and Focus on Staying Calm
Lastly, remember to look after yourself during this time. Visiting your doctor and soothing your fears can go a long way. To ease your mind, you may want to:
- Schedule preliminary visits to your doctor to make sure you’re healthy and on track
- Keep an eye out for potential signs of pregnancy, including missed periods, nausea, vomiting and food cravings
- Focus on staying calm and try to find ways to practice self-care every day
When you’re hoping to get pregnant soon, getting as healthy as you can is essential. Taking care of yourself now can help you feel your best as you move into this new phase of your life, prepare your body to handle pregnancy well and perhaps even help boost your overall fertility. By taking these steps, you can prepare yourself for a healthy future pregnancy.