2 Moves to Sculpt Your Butt
You will actually love these two moves to sculpt your butt. Classic donkey kick and fire hydrants will lift and tighten your rear end. These exercises will effectively lift your glutes! You absolutely can crush those flabby cheeks and turn them into buns of steel.
1. Fire Hydrant – These two exercises are very classic and require no gym equipment. This exercise is great for opening up the hips which can deteriorate as we age. you’ll need to engage the glutes to perform this external rotation. The starting position will be in a crawling position on all fours on the floor, your knees will be directly below your hips and your hands which are directly below your shoulders. Keeping the right leg bent 90 degrees at the knee, rotate at the hip in order to lift your outer right thigh up in an arcing motion out to the right side of your body. Slowly pulse at the top range of motion for two seconds and slowly bring your knee down into the start position and repeat. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

2. Donkey Kick – This is our second classic exercise to sculpt your butt. The donkey kick exercise targets your butt, while also reducing fat and cellulite, and strengthening your core. Get on your hands and knees, with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips. Drawing your abs in, lift your left leg parallel to the floor, with knee bent, foot flexed. Do 3 sets 15 reps on each side.
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