Ginger Detox Water Recipe
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How to lose weight with this Ginger Detox Water Recipe will give you more energy and cleanse your system. That will actually help you achieve your weight loss goals plus it is an inexpensive drink to make!
- Lemons – are a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium. This is a virtually fat-free food which punches a massive amount of flavor. Lemon aids in liver detox and alkalizes the body. Lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so adding it to your water is going to help flush out those toxins.
- Cayenne Pepper – Contains capsaicin, which inhibits hunger and fat storage. Cayenne Pepper is also known for raising the body temperature and regulate blood sugar along with stimulates the circulatory system and aids digestion.
- Ginger – Helps in digestion and Excess Gas. You don’t want to keep that gas inside of you because what happens, bloating! Which is so uncomfortable. Ginger also Detoxifies and Disinfects the body. There are so many benefits to adding these three pieces to your water. I drink it the first two weeks all day than one drink every morning.
Ginger Detox Water Recipe

Lemon Cayenne Ginger Detox Water
Prep Time
10 mins
Detox drinks help to naturally reduce inflammation, boost energy, support digestion, cleanse the liver and promote healthy skin.
Detox Drink
Servings: 1 Gallon
- 1 inch Fresh Ginger
- 1 TBSP Cayenne Pepper
- 1 Lemon Sliced
Place all into a gallon size container and infuse over-night.
Drink for three days replenishing the water as you drink it.
This simple Ginger Detox Water Recipe with Cayenne is a refreshing cleansing drink you will LOVE!

Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com
Are you supposed to drink it hot or cold?
I usually start drinking it warm right after I simmer it. If you make it in smaller batches you could make enough for one glass warm. I leave it on the counter so it is pretty warm for a few hours. You can drink it cold too. 🙂
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama
That sounds hot hot hot!! I take cayenne pepper tablets and if I get the dust in my mouth it’s pure flames!
Debbie L.
Lindsey I’m also a little afraid it might be too hot for me…I know my hubby would love it hot tasting,
Jennifer Brazil
I will be trying this drink soon! It sounds good and I have always heard that lemons and the cayenne pepper are so good for keeping your weight in check too.
Liz Mays
You had me with the ginger. This is a tasty way to detox!
I use a piece of ginger and lemon in my green juices everyday along with kale and celery. I don’t use cayenne pepper much but I would probably like to try it
Pam Smith
how much ginger and lemon do you use for one glass of juice
Lois Alter Mark
I should so do a detox. Will have to try this.
Debbie L.
Sounds interesting … I am a little worried that the cayenne might be too hot for me. I really dislike hot tasting food. I think I will make some minus the cayenne – I love lemons and ginger.
dave fergusson
cayenne is a chillie variety, but I would try paprika instead, it is a lot milder being from capsicums but must still contain the capsaicin maybe in smaller quantities!
That will work as well!
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
My husband has been talking about doing something like this. I will have to make this for him!
Debbie Denny
I have always used Ginger for many thngs. This sounds like a great combination.
How fun that your husband will partner with you for an upcoming post! Thank yo for sharing the detox water recipe, and the reasons why the ingredients work!
Dria @ Dio
Love this! I started eating Paleo and feel fantastic but have wanted to detox for a while will have to give this a try!
I have always been really interested in the idea of detoxing but haven’t got around to actually going “all in” to do it myself. I have heard of a very similar recipe and a girlfriend of mine did it for about a week, loving the results. She felt amazing after. I think this may make me finally cave in!
lisa galuna (@LisaGaluna)
Sounds Like A Great Way To Detox I’ll Have To Try Thank You
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick
My that sure does sound like it packs a little punch. Or maybe zing is a better word?
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?
I think this sounds super yummy! I like ginger and lemon for sure! And, I like hot!
I printed off the Dr Oz detox and I have been contemplating doing it. Thank you for sharing the great recipe for detox water.
I love lemon and ginger together. Is it very spicy? I’d love to try this!
I’ve been considering a detox for a while. This sounds pretty interesting and something I could totally do myself. Thanks for sharing!
Shell Things (@shellthings)
I keep hearing about this drink. But I worried about the cayenne pepper. Maybe I’ll give it a try.
I have heard so many wonderful things about this combination. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Now I just need to be brave enough to try it!
Virginia Higgins (@thatbaldchick)
I could do the lemon and ginger, but man the cayenne would set me on fire. Is there something as effective that I could replace it with?
Deanna Ritz
I have never tried anything like this before. I’m really nervous. I know its good for you though.
Maria Constanza Oller Martin
Wow I need to try this, I was taking some cayenne pepper pills for weight loss and they were awesome
Carly from The Puzzled Palate
I have heard about using cayenne in your detox a lot recently. I hate spicy stuff- so I might not be able to get this one down!
Carly Anderson (@lipglosscrayons)
This sounds delicious! I’ve never done a detox….need to try one!
I love the blogging world because I promise you are the second blogger today that helped me with what to do with my orgnanic lemon juice I bought today. I bought it and was wondering what were the ingredients Beyonce used for her detox – and this is the exact list so thanks I needed this today!
Jessica P
I need some of this! Ginger in water is great.
Kay Adeola
Lemon and ginger i can do and i love it,Cayenne pepper not so much lol.Thank you for this i will make it for my hubs and make myself just lemon and ginger.
Susanna Barbee (@susannabarbee)
I love natural detox drinks. I would love to make this this summer. Do you have to fast when drinking it? You said you drink it in the morning. Do you do that on an empty stomach?
No I am not fasting at all, I drink it first thing and it really helps get you moving. I drink it all day in place of water for about three days then switch it up.
Hmm… sounds interesting. We do have something similar, its ginger tea. We squeeze lemons on the tea after it has cooled down. (Vitamin C is destroyed in hot mixtures). To sweeten, we add honey or raw sugar. I would try your recipe with cayenne. Thanks for sharing!
Close To Home (@StayCloseToHome)
I will have to check this out, I have always thought of foing a quick detox and water would be an easy one for me.
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas
I’ve seen this around and thought I might try it, but I wonder about heartburn?
I like that it is natural. Is it spicy?
I have hear very good things about cayenne pepper and losing weight. Thanks for sharing it looks like a great detox
Interesting – I’m sure it’s a great way to reboot one’s system. Unfortunately I think the Cayanne might be a little too hot for my tastes. Thanks for sharing!
Krystal's Kitsch
I’m not sure I can handle this one, but it looks interesting. They say adding cayenne pepper to a drink is good for you!
Wow, this sounds spicy! A detox that invigorates too!
Momma on the Rocks
I really need to try a detox. I think it would help immensely.
It sure sounds sour!
Sounds spicy– this would definitely clean me out..lol
I’m interested in the benefits but worried about the pepper. I’m not really a pepper type girl.
Interesting. I’m not a ginger lover but i think i’d try this for the benefits.
Annie {Stowed Stuff}
Looks like a healthier choice for sure! Thanks for sharing!
teresa mccluskey
A great way to detox! I think this sounds good, I am gonna try to make it!
thats a great combo of ingredients. I’m sure it’s really good
Robin {Mom Foodie}
I’ve heard of a few different detox waters already, but this one sounds more palatable than most.
Family Travel Blogger
I’ve been needing to try a detox – I’m not sure if I could handle this particular concoction but ill try anything once.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest
I’ve never tried a detox water before. This does sound like something that would be up my husbands alley though.
Angela S
I love fresh ginger and lemon. This is a detox I could probably do.
I’ve tried this before, but without ginger. I thought it would be torture, but I actually enjoyed the drink and craved it even after the detox has ended. The addition of ginger is amazing!
cam | bibs and baubles
I’ve never tried this one. I’ve done the lemon, ginger, mint and cucumber water. It was pretty tasty. I’ll have to try this one with the cayenne.
I have never tried any detox before. I guess this one would be a great way to start. It sounds interesting.
Looks refreshing. I will have to try it this summer
I can see me working up a sweat drinking this! I may have to pass on the cayenne, and just stick with the lemon and ginger.
Wondering what this tastes like. I haven’t really had ginger in a drink before. Looks god though.
Cynthia Wright
Lemon water is something I always try to drink for the benefits of helping to lose weight so this is right up my alley. Can’t wait to try this recipe. I bet its yummy!
Danielle @ We Have It All
Hmm, I’m curious how it tastes. I didn’t know that lemon was good for liver detox and alkalizes the body. Awesome to know, thanks!
I enjoy hot foods but it’s really not that hot. It’s sort of a “zing” as someone said earlier. I love it! I heat it up on cooler mornings and it’s a great wake up drink.
Tried similar one before drinking it warm but i must say i was not a fun of the taste nor the effect it had on my throat but will need to try this
would like to try this, but i am really confused with the measurements,How do u measure 2 inches of ginger
Dawn Lee
Sorry if I missed this, was there a reply regarding preparing it by the glass?
I recently had a cold drink called Kleanse while on vacation in Scottsdale at an amazing restaurant called Kale & Clover. The ingredients were Aloe Vera, Lemon, Ginger, Turmeric, Honey, and Cayenne. It was wonderful and I had to try to recreate it. I didn’t have Aloe Vera on hand so I used water along with the recommended amount of ginger and lemon. I added about the same amount of turmeric that I did cayenne, as well. I also used some xylitol to sweeten it. I think the Aloe would give it a little thicker consistency so I may try that next time but overall I was very pleased. I made a cup of cammonile tea this evening and added the warm detox juice, about half to half ratio. It was about perfect. I’ve put the remainder in the fridge and look forward to seeing how it will taste chilled in the morning. I am working towards losing weight, eating more cleanly, and just being more mindful about making good choices as far as consumption and over well being. Thanks for posting this great recipe and for all the comments. This one is a keeper!
Thank you Sarah, I would love to add aloe Vera to more of my drinks!
Lindsey Wilson
How long at a time can you do it? like just one day or a week or what? & how much should you drink a day?
I will drink it for three days. Then a week off. I drink a few glasses a day minimum.