9 Best Flat Belly Foods (eat these daily)
You must eat these 9 Best Flat Belly Foods daily to actually achieve that flat belly you have been training for! Watch what goes into your mouth and you will absolutely crush your goals. Number 5 will blow your mind.
Have you been dieting and feel like you have hit a brick wall? Not sure how to finally rid yourself of that tummy bulge? Don’t assume doing a zillion crunches or planks is the only way to a flat tummy. No single food is going to rid you of tummy bloat. Foods that make you feel full have been proven to help you lose weight and rev up your metabolism. Incorporate these healthy foods into your diet with the right weight lifting exercise and aerobics and you will succeed! You will love these flat belly foods that you can eat daily!
9 Best Flat Belly Foods (eat these daily)
1. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which inhibits hunger and fat storage. Cayenne Pepper is also known for raising the body temperature and regulate blood sugar along with stimulates the circulatory system and aids digestion.
2. Eggs
Eggs have 6 grams of protein, zero carbs, and zero sugar. Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, a major fat-burning nutrient that helps turn off the genes responsible for belly-fat storage. With the protein comes a feeling of being full. Eat these for breakfast, a midday snack or breakfast for dinner!
3. Black Beans
Black Beans are packed with phytonutrients. Beans provide incredible nutrition to our digestive tracts as well as our colons. Healthy fiber is what is called “prebiotic,” meaning it feeds the healthy bacteria and helps them fight inflammation and fat gain.
4. Grapefruit
A large amount of Vitamin C actually turns fat into fuel. Grapefruit has been labeled lately as the perfect fruit. Grapefruits are high in fiber and low in calories, and they contain bioflavonoids that protect against cancer. Grapefruits also increase the body’s metabolic rate, and actually makes you feel full!. It even fights fatigue! Start your day off with half a grapefruit to jump-start your day! A study published in the journal Metabolism found that those who ate grapefruit for six weeks lost a full inch off their waistlines.
5. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a friendly fat, often referred to as a MUFA food. Coconut oil is a fat that builds strong abs and flat stomach.Coconut Oil is High in Medium Chain Triglycerides, Fatty Acids That Boost Metabolism. Why does it work? Is because it speeds up metabolic rate by stimulating the thyroid gland, which is responsible for regulating body weight.
6. Almonds
Almonds contain filling protein and fiber, plus vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They’re also a good source of magnesium, a mineral your body must have in order to produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar. These are perfect as an in-between snack, a handful will fill you up.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar will help you feel full. This can help you eat less. A study has also shown acetic acid, found in ACV, slows fat accumulation. Drink it first thing in the morning and before lunchtime. Taking apple cider vinegar before meals aids digestion and improves gastric health, helping the body remove toxic waste more efficiently.
8. Lemon Water
Lemons are one of the most alkaline-forming foods on the planet. They are alkaline-forming helping to restore balance to the body’s pH. Lemons increase peristalsis in the bowels, helping to create a bowel movement thus eliminating waste and helping with regularity. Drink a warm glass of lemon water in the am and you will not be bloated in the middle of the day.
RELATED: Lemon Mint Ginger Water For Weight Loss and a flat tummy.
9. Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt which gives us the Probiotic benefits and high protein will keep you feeling full longer. A University of Tennessee study found that people who ate 18 ounces of Greek yogurt a day lost 22 percent more weight and 81 percent more belly fat than those who didn’t. Greek yogurt will help you achieve a flat belly!
RELATED: Chia Seed Blueberry Kiwi Probiotic Breakfast!
These flat belly foods are a must to fight belly bloat eat them throughout the day and you will see your waist slim down.