Products to be Active as you Age
4 Products that Help Being Active As You Age
No matter what generation you belong to or what social media platform you choose to spend your down-time scrolling through, there is one trend that you simply can’t escape these days: living a more active, healthier, and eco-friendlier lifestyle. No longer are health and earth conscious people ‘hippies’, as they may have been referred to or categorized as 20 years ago. No longer can you pop on a 20-minute Pilates workout VCR tape and then go get KFC for the family and be considered ‘healthy’. The ideas of health and nutrition in and of itself has changed from 20 years ago, and while that sometimes can be an overwhelming idea, it’s also a very good change.
We are more educated than ever on health and nutrition thanks to the internet, but this can provide a bit of a learning curve for those that weren’t born during the era of the internet. However, this shouldn’t be a deterrent for those looking to establish healthier practices to better their quality of life as they age. It simply means we need to know how to overcome these obstacles, and what can help us to do so along the way. Here are our 4 must-have products if you’re looking to instill healthier habits into your life:
- A Fitbit or Apple Watch
This is first and foremost. While a Fitbit or an Apple Watch can be a pricey tool to have, it’s one worth investing in. Pedometers just don’t make the cut anymore given the magnitude of features not offered by Fitbits and Apple Watches. Some of the features include tracking your steps, heartrate, and calories burned, not only when you’re working out but also throughout the day. As well as being able to log calories consumed, track your walks, bike rides, swims, or runs via GPS, and they also have mental health features as well. These watches give you a much better idea of your overall health than simply counting your steps; depending on which you’d like, you also have options price-wise. While these tools are an investment, they’re one that can really change your knowledge of your overall health if you’re looking to become more active, get healthy, or lose weight.
- CBD Oil
CBD Oil isn’t definitely a newly discovered gem in the health and fitness community. But gem it really is. The benefits of CBD oil can be both for your mind and body. CBD oil is well-known already for being a stress and anxiety reliever when taken internally, however, it can also be a great solution for sore and aching muscles as well when applied topically. One of the best ways to do so? With CBD Coconut Oil. Not only does this give relief to your aching and sore muscles, it will also hydrate and moisturize your skin as well. Considering sweat can dry out your skin, this is a huge added benefit as well. Like with anything, be sure to check with your doctor before using CBD Oil of any kind, but with their go ahead, your recovery time from runs, strength training, or long walks will be drastically decreased and far easier to handle.
- Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are great because financially, they’re the opposite of an Apple Watch or Fitbit. They’re very affordable and super versatile as well. Resistance bands are also a staple for preventing injury as you age as well. You can use them both for strength training and stretching as well. Building or maintaining muscle is imperative as you get older because as you age, your muscle hypertrophies, and your muscle mass decreases more and more. By strength training, you reduce and prevent this from happening, allowing you to stay strong and healthy for longer. By using a resistance band to do so, you also prevent injury that is much more likely to occur when using free-weights or weight machines. By no means should you never use weights or a gym, but if you’re new to building or maintaining your muscle, starting with bands can help prevent injury both in the present and down the road. Additionally, they’re extremely easy to travel with or take anywhere. You can find a set of bands in places like TJ Maxx, Target, or Amazon.
- A Foam Roller
Foam rollers will make you hate your life just a little bit during use but will absolutely save your muscles later that day. They’re not unlike a really good glass of wine, maybe a little bitter at first, but once you get used to them and see the health benefits of them, they’ll be your go to nightly drink, just like that glass of red that’s good for your heart. If you’re entirely new to being active, this should be one of the first things you get because no matter if you’re strength training with a personal trainer or simply taking the dog for a two-mile walk, your muscles will be sore. Foam rollers role and stretch out your muscles in order to relieve tension, aches, and lactic acid. They will leave you feeling much better the next day than simply working out or being active and doing nothing. Like the resistance bands, you can get foam rollers in similar places.
What works best for you when getting active and healthy will be something personal to your preferences and to your body. Be sure, especially when you first start, to listen carefully to and be mindful of your body and what it needs. Try different methods and combinations of methods in order to find what works best for you, and as always when trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, remember to drink plenty of water!
Mollie Wilson is a freelance writer from North Carolina. When she is not writing, she is perusing an adventures life- backpacking, climbing, exploring local coffee shops, and traveling.