5 Muscle Building Meals For Your Keto Diet
It comes as no surprise to the general public that keto diets can assist in facilitating weight loss. Nevertheless, it is still being argued by some that keto diets are not useful for anyone who would like to be a bodybuilder.
It is known that to successfully develop one` muscles and body as a whole, carbs are sort of a necessity. But that is old information. A keto dieter is still able to engage in bodybuilding as long as the person consumes a lot of proteins and fat to sustain the body and develop some muscles. But what exactly is a keto diet and how does it function?
Keto diet is a short form for a ketogenic diet. A keto diet could be described as a diet which is comprised of a high-fat content with a considerably low carb concentration. Hence, it is very much similar to low carb or carbohydrate diets. When drawing a keto diet schedule, carbs would naturally not be found on the schedule.
Bread and grains, typical carbs
Instead, fat and proteins will make up most if not every part of the schedule, hence the name, keto diet. A lot of individuals have issues with the idea of a keto diet because they argue that there are some functions carbs carry out that will be left unattended to otherwise, such as maintenance of brain activities (glucose).
But is that really so? On the contrary, a keto diet has been shown to have more than a few health benefits and the list keeps getting longer with the passage of time and deeper studies into its intricacies. Some of the health benefits of a keto diet include:
- The most popular benefit of a ketogenic diet is its ability to reduce the weight of an individual. Keto diets have been found to be more effective than ordinary low-fat diets in the aspect of inducing weight loss.
- Provision of nutrients and sustenance to the brain in the absence of glucose. The ketones can pass through the blood into the brain without being hindered.
- Keto diets have been found to be able to increase the sensitivity of insulin by as much as 75%, thus totally eliminating or largely reducing the need for diabetes drugs.
- Keto diets have been found to be beneficial to patients of Alzheimer`s disease.
The changes and benefits brought about or initiated by a keto diet are all possible because of the process of ketosis. Ketosis is a naturally occurring metabolic state. Ketosis occurs when the body starts to use ketones as its major source of energy instead of the traditional carbohydrate.
Here fats and other nutrients are converted to ketones. Ketosis is a state that occurs naturally in the human system when a person gets involved in keto diets. Such persons tend to feed on a diet having very low carb contents but very high fat ketogenic components.
There are some diets that are low on the carb or contain no carbs at all which would fit perfectly into your keto diet plan and would assist you in muscle building. Although they are numerous examples, we will only discuss five.
The importance of intake of quality fat while sticking to your keto diet cannot be overemphasized. While it is true that for regular diets, such amounts of the fatty component might be unhealthy, it is not the same for someone on a keto diet. This is because, in the case of regular diets, the excess fat would be stored while the carbs would be used as fuel.
But for ketogenic diets, the body does not run with glycogen anymore as there are no carbs to convert, so you need these fatty diets because your body now runs on fatty acids and ketones. So all the fat you take, your body eventually burns.
Some meals that could help you to build your muscles while you stick to your keto diet include:
- French Roasted Chicken: The chicken is prepared (the giblets are removed) and the herb butter is carefully and generously applied all over the chicken. The chicken is then roasted in an oven for about 30 – 40 minutes until it turns brown. Then baste the chicken with any available herb butter and continue cooking until the thickest part of the chicken gets to about 164 degrees. Your chicken is good and ready to be eaten. From mensjournal.com.
- Bacon Wrapped Lobster Chunk: This is the dish for you if you are in the mood to eat a culinary delight after a tough exercise session.
- Prosciutto Wrapped Avocado Egg: It might sound strange but you can rest assured that you will not be disappointed. It is relatively portable so can be eaten anywhere, anytime.
- Reverse Seared Ribeye Steak: we could go on and on about this. But all we can say by way of a summary is that this is well prepared juicy steak dipped in bacon fat. All the fat and protein you need in one place (visit here for more information).
- French Roast Beef
Fish is not a bad choice if you want some proteins in your keto diet menu.