The Many Facets of Female Reproduction
Female reproduction is complex enough when there aren’t any problems. Add in the many different complications that can occur, and it might feel impossible to figure out what should be done and where to start. Women’s health professionals have the skills and expertise to help ensure a safe delivery, end an unwanted pregnancy, or correct reproductive issues. A doctor’s guidance can also keep you feeling comfortable and reassured in the process.
Handling Infertility
Perhaps you would like to have a child, but find it difficult to get pregnant. This could be due to a reproductive disease, a blockage in the uterus or fallopian tubes, or a hormonal issue. A professional can identify the problem by counting how many eggs you’re releasing during ovulation, employing x-rays and imaging, running blood tests, and monitoring your hormone levels.
Once your problem is identified, a health care professional can get to work on resolving it. Fertility drugs can help trigger or normalize ovulation by causing your body to release the necessary hormones. If you’re dealing with a uterine issue such as fibroids or endometrial polyps, a surgical procedure can help correct the problem. Also, if your uterus doesn’t function properly on its own, you might be able to choose artificial insemination with donated sperm or an embryo.
Handling Pregnancy
Women’s health services can help you safely cope with pregnancy. If you plan to give birth, a professional can monitor your blood, urine, and hormones to ensure the fetus will develop properly. There are many factors a doctor will focus on, including blood type, blood count, Rh factor, diabetes, urinary tract issues, infectious diseases, the likelihood of birth defects, and so on. If any problem is identified, your doctor can help fix it before it affects you or your child. Ultimately your doctor can make sure your delivery is as smooth and safe as possible when the time comes.
Perhaps you’re in the midst of an unwanted pregnancy. Many health services can help you terminate your pregnancy in the most secure, convenient way possible. If you would like an immediate abortion, suction is a fast and effective method that many clinics use. If it’s best for you to not undergo an in-clinic procedure, abortion pills can be used to end your pregnancy over time. Abortion pill reversal is also an option at many clinics if you change your mind after taking your first dose. Of course, post-abortion follow-up exams are highly recommended to certify that you’re healthy after the fact.
Consulting a Professional
Given the complexity of female reproduction, it’s important to reach out to a gynecologist or obstetrician when dealing with a pregnancy or fertility issue. Not only will a specialist follow through with the exams and treatment you need, but he or she can give you guidelines on how you should live day-by-day. Any questions you have, a doctor can address. Any pangs or discomfort you’re feeling, a doctor can hone in on. No matter your end game, women’s health services offer a plethora of options and resolutions.