Strength Training for Weight Loss
You need to know the benefits of strength training for weight loss that you should incorporate into your daily routine. Strength training is what’s really going to give your weight-loss goals that extra boost.
Are you determined to finally lose the weight, firm up and get serious about your weight loss? Strength Training for Weight Loss is the key. Harvard researchers found men who lifted weights for 20 minutes a day had less stomach fat than those who spent the 20 minutes doing cardio. As for women: This study found resistance training helps women reduce their risk of fat in the belly region. But let us make it clear, a strength training program for weight loss is only part of the equation! You need to eat healthily and add in some aerobic routine.
Strength Training for Weight Loss
- Muscle burns more energy throughout the day than fat does, so having more muscle revs up your metabolism!
- Having more lean muscle means your body will burn more calories at rest. Having more muscle increases your everyday base metabolic rate.
- Resistance exercise can reduce bone deterioration and build bone mass, preventing osteoporosis.
- You will look more defined.
- You will tone your body not bulk up.
- You will lose belly fat.
- You’ll Fight Osteoporosis.
As you can see strength training benefits are worth it! Weight lifting exercises with dumbells are by far worth exploring if you have been afraid to hit the gym!
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