Self-Care 5 Practical Ways to Take Care of Your Health
Are you participating in a healthy self-care plan? Tending to your needs is a boon to your well-being. Here is important information on what self-care is, how a good plan improves your life and making it a part of your lifestyle.
What is self-care? Self-care can be defined as the habits and activities that nourish your body and soul. A good self-care plan includes these key components:
- Healthy lifestyle choices such as nutritious eating habits, exercising, and general maintenance that promote good physical health and prevent illness.
- Responsible use of medication and substances, both prescription and nonprescription.
- The ability to assess your health and symptoms and adjust your lifestyle choices accordingly.
- Partnering with appropriate health care professionals in your wellness plan.
Some important self-care practices are basic but are often overlooked. Don’t skip these keys to your well-being:
Exercise. A vital part of a healthy lifestyle includes a fitness plan. As Harvard Medical School explains, exercise improves mental health. Physical activity lowers your stress level, improves your mood, enhances your outlook on life, and increases your energy levels. Exercise improves physical health as well, helping you to control your weight and reduce your risk for health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancers. Your muscles and bones can be strengthened when you engage in a healthy workout routine, and you can improve your chance for a longer lifespan. If you’re not working out now and need to add it to your lifestyle, first talk with your physician about a healthy activity level for you.
Sleep. That’s right, sleep. Your self-care must include good sleep hygiene – it’s a key component in good mental and physical health. Your brain and body need sufficient sleep to recover from your daily life, and by improving your sleep quality you can enhance your productivity and enjoy a better quality of life, according to Qunomedical. Some people cannot develop good sleep hygiene due to sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or insomnia. If you are not getting enough sleep, you may have a sleep disorder. This could be diagnosed by a professional.
Eat right. Proper nutrition is a key to good health and well-being. Opt for a diet that includes plenty of whole grains and colorful, fresh fruits and vegetables. Steer clear of processed carbohydrates, including bleached flours and foods with added sugars. Choose foods which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Generally speaking, the more plant-based your diet is, the better. You don’t need to give up all the indulgences you love, but limit your less healthy choices to occasional treats instead of allowing them to be of the foundation of your diet.
Relax. Are you doing things that relax you? Participating in soothing activities is a key to self-care. This can be baking, reading a good book, gardening or meditation. Taking pleasure in your life away from obligations is important to your well-being. This should also be time away from electronic media. This is your “me time,” and it’s time for doing things that engage your mind and soul. Think in terms of active rather than passive hobbies, and you’ll be on the right track. Don’t overbook your days, leaving you without time to participate in these calming, peaceful hobbies – say “no” when you have to!
Laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine, and it’s truly good for your well-being. Find things each day that make you laugh and smile. Mental Health America cites studies showing laughter improves your health in many ways, such as reducing pain, promoting heart and lung health, lowering anxiety and improving relaxation.
Self-care is good for you! You can benefit from a good self-care plan. Take care of your mental and physical health by exercising, participating in good sleeping and eating habits, and enjoying life. Your lifestyle can be happier and healthier with proper self-care!