Paleo Tomatillo Sauce

Paleo Tomatillo Sauce
Tomatillo Sauce is a fat-free staple in our home that works for the Paleo diet. We use to make big batches every year from our tomatillos we grew on our farm. There are so many great dishes you can make with tomatillos. This weekend we made a big batch from tomatillos we picked up at the farmers market. Being on the Paleo diet has helped my husband not only lose weight but gain a ton of energy. Caveman energy he calls it.
Now that we are into 2018 a lot of folks are looking for low-calorie additions to their diet that they can incorporate into low-fat dishes. This sauce is perfect on top of fish, wrapped in a large lettuce leaf with chicken for chicken tacos, or simple a dipping sauce.

From reading online Tomatillos contain a good amount of dietary fiber, minerals, anti-oxidants, and vitamins. They also contain anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties. Not too bad of a fruit to include in your diet. Create this sauce and use on all of your Paleo dishes that you want to kick up the flavor just a bit. Tomatillos are great roasted as well.


Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
That sounds absolutely delicious. I can think of at least a million uses for it, too! Yum!
Dina Demarest
I must make that. It would be great on tacos or nachos! Yum.
I’ve got to make some of this. I’m a HUGE fan of spicy foods. If my eyes aren’t watering, it’s not hot enough. 😉
Fi Ní Neachtáin
This sauce looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I’d love to begin making my own sauces and ditching the jars.
I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had tomatillo anything. But that certainly sounds really good.
Kelly Hutchinson
I used to work in a Mexican restaurant and we made ours from scratch. I have not make it in so long. I have a taste for it and will try your recipe!
Terri Beavers
That looks so good and I just bet it would taste scrumptious on fried salmon patties (and veggies). I love tomato relish on them. Thanks for the recipe, I just might have to try it.
My husband would love this! I’m passing him your recipe as we have been trying to get away from jars and this sounds delicious!
That sounds and looks really delicious! I need to make this, i think my whole family would love this!
Sharon (@crazykids6)
Yes! We totally love that kind of sauce over here! I just showed my husband this and he wants me to try it!
April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition
We love tomatillo sauce around here. It’s great in so many different ways and can spice up ordinary dishes.
Nina Garcia Say
Oh yum that looks absolutely delicious. I would dip everything in this sauce.
Tomatillo sauce is so yummy, this is a recipe I’m going to love making for myself!
Elizabeth O.
Wow! This looks very delicious! I love paleo tomatillo sauce with anything—pasta, bread, biscuits!
I’ve never tasted tomatillo. We have this Mexican sauce that we love. I want to try your sauce though because it definitely looks delish!
Ohh, I love the double kick in there. Spicy is good! My husband would like this too.
Erica @ Healthy Family Matters
My husband would love this. He enjoys anything with Jalapeno peppers in it.
Manu Kalia
Now that is one interesting recipe for a sauce. I’m sure my wife would love you!
Baby Moon Mama
That looks simply delicious. I know my husband would love it too!
It looks good! You could use it on all kinds of different foods or even on salads. Thanks for sharing!
Marielle Altenor
Yum! I want to make my own tomatillo sauce! My hubby could eat this all day! lol