6 Reasons To Add a Massage Table to Your Home
6 Reasons To Add a Massage Table to Your Home
There are numerous therapeutic and health benefits related to massage. Studies have shown massages are helpful in treating digestive disorders, headaches, soft tissue injuries, anxiety, temporomandibular joint pain and more. Some people simply enjoy the comfort and care of receiving a massage from another individual. From sports massages to Swedish massages, there are numerous ways to relax, and instead of going to a place across town, you can enjoy a massage from the comfort of your own home.
1. Personalize Your Massage Experience
Massage parlors do their best to give patrons a great experience. They play relaxing music and light some candles to make you feel more at ease. However, it may not be the exact music you would like to listen to. Perhaps you enjoy a massage in a darker room. You can even have your favorite snacks readily on-hand. There is truly no place like home when it comes to massaging.
2. Save on Travel and Stress
Whether you want a massage therapist to come to your home or simply want your spouse to treat you, you are more at ease when you are receiving a massage in your home. Additionally, you do not have to deal with the stress typically associated with driving to the parlor. You have to get dressed and deal with traffic, which may be crazy if you go during rush hour. You may even have to contend with a hectic parking situation. You may feel stressed out driving to the massage parlor that you need a massage more than ever.
3. Learn How to Give Massages
You may not have any desire to become a professional massage therapist, but perhaps you just want to learn a new skill for the fun of it. It is relatively simple to learn how to give stellar massages. You learn that massages are not about pushing as hard as you can, and you also learn to work slowly and meticulously. You also become aware of all the parts of the body prone to stress. From the shoulders to the lower back, you can figure out where your partner is most likely to develop problems.
4. Overcome a Hindrance
For some people, it may not be feasible to driver somewhere else for therapy. The elderly and individuals with disabilities may have a hard time getting out of the house. This way, everyone can enjoy the benefits of a relaxing massage.
This is also a great option for pregnant women or mothers who have just given birth. They may not be able to get out of the house to take some time for themselves. Additionally, if you have a newborn baby, then you may not want to go through the hassle of buckling your baby in and driving across town. This way, you enjoy therapeutic massages while your newborn is in the other room if you need to provide maternal support.
5. Grow Closer to Your Loved One
Using massage tables is great if you have a professional massage therapist you like, but it is also great if you want a fun activity for you and your spouse to enjoy together. The sense of touch is critical in any relationship. Over time, it is natural for the spark in a romantic relationship to fade a little bit. By partaking in a new activity, especially one that is naturally sensual, you have a new hobby to bond over.
6. Take a Relaxing Staycation
Many people are discovering the benefits of a staycation. Perhaps you do not have the time or energy to go on a vacation to somewhere exotic. Rather than book a flight and take time off work, you can dedicate an entire weekend to focus on your own well-being. With your massage table, you can undo all the stress you have built up over the months. You can also head out to a new fancy restaurant you have never tried before. You deserve to treat yourself once in a while.
There are numerous types of massages tables to look into and acquire. The great part is that many tables are customizable. You can add extra padding or personalize the wood finish if you want. You can also add armrests, locking casters, a face rest and much more so that you get the massage experience you so richly deserve.