How To Keep Your Smile Whiter and Brighter After 40
How to Keep Your Smile Whiter and Brighter After 40 By the time most people are over 40, they’re well prepared for a lot of the challenges that come with aging. They usually understand the benefits of regular exercise and maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet. However, many people never consider how the aging process might affect their teeth until the day they notice their mega-watt smile isn’t nearly as brilliant as it used to be. Age-related yellowness doesn’t only affect those that have decades of coffee consumption or smoking behind them. The bright, white enamel on the outside of your teeth tends to wear away naturally over time, allowing the…
How to Use Your Phone to Improve Your Health
How to Use Your Phone to Improve Your Health By Matilda Davies Phones get a bad rap. They can become a major distraction from healthy activities like exercise and social life. They can eat into our time and kill productivity. The blue light emitted from their screens stimulates the brain and can make it difficult to fall asleep. Our ever-connectedness can mean there’s no line between work and home life. But there are plenty of ways you can use your phone to the benefit of your health. Here are four of them. Get better sleep Getting good sleep can fight stress, anxiety, and depression, it can improve your mood, help…
3 Things You Didn’t Know That Are Causing Your Back Pain
3 Things You Didn’t Know That Are Causing Your Back Pain As we begin the new year, many of us are focused on losing weight, reading more, or even getting out and traveling the world! No one wants nagging back pain getting in the way of these goals you’re setting out for yourself.. Back pain can defer you from going to the gym, cause discomfort while starting a new book, or even force you to postpone a trip. 2019 is the year to end the subconscious habits we do that are causing our distress. Read below to see if you’re guilty of any. You’re wearing the wrong size bra…
Why Not Getting Sleep is Harmful
Photo by Unsplash Everyone knows that our sleep is vital to our health and well-being. If you aren’t regularly keeping up with seven to nine hours of sleep each night, you’ll put yourself at risk of feeling the painful effects of sleep deprivation. While the immediate effects you’ll notice may seem harmless, eventually sleep deprivation could ultimately shorten your life. But the quantity of your sleep isn’t the only thing that’s important. Even if you’re clocking in eight hours of sleep each night, it’s worthless if you aren’t experiencing a good quality of sleep. If you wake up each morning feeling like you hardly slept, have pains and aches, or…
5 Tips for Workout Motivation
5 Tips for Workout Motivation If coming up with new excuses to not exercise actually burned calories, we would all be fitness models by now. Most of our excuses center around not having enough time, being too tired, having way too many pressing priorities, or not thinking we’ll see any change. All that negative self-talk can actually make us more tired and give us less motivation to work out. Even though many of us probably feel overwhelmed by the thought of trying to fit a regular fitness regimen into our already busy schedules, we need to remember that fitness can actually help our brains and bodies function better. To get…