50 Pushups Challenge
We are ready to challenge ourselves to 50 pushups in 30 days! Follow this plan to reshape your core! The classic push-up comes close to a perfect exercise, challenging multiple muscle groups in the arms, chest, back, and core to build overall functional strength. There are so many variations that can be incorporated into the push up once you get this first move. Good luck, let us know if you are up for the challenge!
The BEST Exercise to work Upper and Lower Abs
This is the best exercise to work upper and lower abs. Bicycle crunches target all of your ab muscles. The American Council on Exercise declared bicycle crunches one of the most effective abdominal exercises, according to a small study performed in 2001. all of your ab muscles. Are you working hard at getting those abs in shape but are not seeing any results? Bicycle crunches are The BEST Exercise to work Upper and Lower Abs. PERIOD! The bicycle crunch lifts the torso and contracts the abdominal muscles in the same way as a standard crunch. Your external obliques, the muscles on the sides of your waist, are also activated as you rotate your body to bring a…
2 Moves to Sculpt Your Butt
You will actually love these two moves to sculpt your butt. Classic donkey kick and fire hydrants will lift and tighten your rear end. These exercises will effectively lift your glutes! You absolutely can crush those flabby cheeks and turn them into buns of steel. 1. Fire Hydrant – These two exercises are very classic and require no gym equipment. This exercise is great for opening up the hips which can deteriorate as we age. you’ll need to engage the glutes to perform this external rotation. The starting position will be in a crawling position on all fours on the floor, your knees will be directly below your hips and your hands which are directly below…
Strength Training for Weight Loss
You need to know the benefits of strength training for weight loss that you should incorporate into your daily routine. Strength training is what’s really going to give your weight-loss goals that extra boost. Are you determined to finally lose the weight, firm up and get serious about your weight loss? Strength Training for Weight Loss is the key. Harvard researchers found men who lifted weights for 20 minutes a day had less stomach fat than those who spent the 20 minutes doing cardio. As for women: This study found resistance training helps women reduce their risk of fat in the belly region. But let us make it clear, a strength training program for weight loss is only…
Beach Body P90X and 21 Day Fix
We use Beach Body P90X and 21 Day Fix. Being fit over 50 requires eating clean and working out with Beachbody every morning. This program confuses your muscles for maxim growth and weight loss. The thing we love about all the Beachbody programs is you can do this at home. It requires minimal equipment or no equipment at all. My wife enjoys doing the hard cardio and loves the 21 Day Fix. If you have tried different programs and have failed, do NOT give up. We are3 in our 50’s and understand it requires more work than in our 30’s, that is clear. Beach Body P90X and 21 Day Fix It’s…