Benefits of Pull-ups
Pull-ups are one of the most iconic and difficult upper body exercises. Every set of Pull- ups
requires a considerable amount of upper body strength, as you have to lift your own body
weight to complete a pull-up.
Benefits of Pull-ups
Though they are difficult you don’t need a lot of them to achieve desired results. Start with a few pull ups and keep growing till you have achieved your goal. Wondering how to clean your clothes AFTER a tough workout click here for more information!
Pull ups have numerous health benefits. It’s a multiple muscle workout. It takes nearly 15
muscles to complete just one pull up. A pull up has its effect on various muscles of your
shoulder, back, chest and bicep. Every bodybuilder and athlete must be well aware of the
importance of good grip. A good grip is an indicator of overall strength and pull-ups help in
developing better grip.
Pull can also be a good alternative to cardio. Though you won’t burn as many calories as
running or cycling but when done in quick successions, pull ups can burn a considerable
amount of calories. It also put much less pressure on your joints than other cardio exercises.
The thing that makes this exercise a must in your workout is convenience. You don’t need
any heavy and expensive machinery nor you need a lot of space and preparation before doing
pull ups. All you need is proper stretching, a pull-up bar and motivation to do pull ups. You
can make your own pull-up bar according to your need and install them at your place or you
can simply buy pull up bar from any store.
Another thing which makes pull ups iconic is its variations. There are so many variations to
this amazing exercise that one can hardly get tired of doing same. Every trainer adds their
own flavor to this exercise. Six main variations of pull- ups are – neck pull ups, chin ups, dead
hang pull ups, plyo pull- ups, kipping pull ups, and standard pull ups. Even these variations
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