3 Things You Didn’t Know That Are Causing Your Back Pain
3 Things You Didn’t Know That Are Causing Your Back Pain
As we begin the new year, many of us are focused on losing weight, reading more, or even getting out and traveling the world! No one wants nagging back pain getting in the way of these goals you’re setting out for yourself.. Back pain can defer you from going to the gym, cause discomfort while starting a new book, or even force you to postpone a trip.
2019 is the year to end the subconscious habits we do that are causing our distress. Read below to see if you’re guilty of any.
You’re wearing the wrong size bra
If you’re like most women, finding a bra that fits your shape and stature can be quite the task. However, it’s something that’s worth putting the time into. Ill-fitting bras can cause damage to your back, especially for big breasted women. For example, if the band on your bra is loose, it will begin to ride up your back. Your shoulders will then roll forward and put unnecessary stress on your upper back muscles. Next time you’re looking for a new bra, put in the research to find a bra that sits comfortably across your chest. Doing so can save you a lot of pain and stress in the long run. It will also help with gaining better posture!
You have a weak core
According to Professor Frank B. Wyatt, our torso is a combination of many different muscle groups working together. So naturally, if the abdominal area is weak, some other muscle group in your torso will have to pick up the slack. In this case, that becomes your lower back. Putting the strain off your weight solely on this area will eventually lead to that chronic back pain you might be feeling! Combat this with a few ab workouts each day, and you will begin to feel relief in these areas.
You are sleeping in the wrong position
Sleep can be used many different ways. In this case, your sleep can be leveraged as a tool to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that the position you sleep in can be extremely beneficial as well? Whether you happen to be a ‘back sleeper’ or exclusively sleep on your side, take a deeper look into your sleeping habits – there’s most likely room for improvement!
I hope you found these tips helpful, and if you have any other suggestions feel free to share in the comments!